National Identity

Define Social construction.
Social construction is the term which describes the view that everything is created through interaction. eg. childhood is a social construct.
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What religion most closely identify themselves as British?
62% of Sikhs in Britain identify themselves as British.
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What did Sadar argue?
Sadar argues that there was a 'crisis of national identity'.
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What did Sadar mean by saying there was a 'crisis in national identity'?
Sadar found that British identity is no longer what it once was and has become an identity based upon cultural hybridity.
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Which identities have become more inclusive according to Sadar?
According to Sadar Welsh and Scottish identities have become more stronger and inclusive.
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What did Hall argue in 1991?
Hall argue that there are 3 responses to globalisation.
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What are the 3 responses to globalisation which Hall developed ?
According to Hall the 3 responses to globalisation are, Cultural Homogensation, Cultural Hybridity and Cultural Resistance.
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What does Cultural Homogensation mean?
Hall argued, cultures will go through a Cultural Homogensation as a response to globalisation. this is when he argued that ll cultures will develop a shared global identity.
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Define Cultural hybridity.
Cultural hybridity is when an individuals culture is a hybrid (mix) of 2 or more cultures. Hall argued that cultures will become more hybrid as a response to globalisation as they will be incorporating aspects of cultures from across the globe.
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What did Hall argue some cultures may do as a response to globalisation?
Hall argued, some cultures may respond with 'cultural resistance' and become fiercely protective of their culture (traditions, beliefs and customs), and become reluctant to share their culture with others.
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What promotes Global Culture?
The media promotes global culture. eg. Global news and YouTube.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What religion most closely identify themselves as British?


62% of Sikhs in Britain identify themselves as British.

Card 3


What did Sadar argue?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Sadar mean by saying there was a 'crisis in national identity'?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which identities have become more inclusive according to Sadar?


Preview of the front of card 5
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