
What is the Goldman Dilemma
Drug that makes you unbeatable for 5 years but die. 50% would take. Optimise not maximise motivation
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Define Motivation
Constant drive toward achievig carefully-considered goal
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What are 3 types of motivation?
Internal, External and Self-determined
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Define Internal Motivation
Doing activity for inherent satisfaction of activity itself because you enjoy it
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Define external motivation
Performance to gain external outcome
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Define self-determined motivation
Process by which a person controls their own life
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What are two types of behaviour related to motivation?
Approach and avoidance
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Define approach behaviour
move toward a set of circumstances or challenge (desire for success)
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Define avoidance behaviour
move away from a set of circumstances (fear of failure)
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Define amotivation
state of lacking any motivation --> learned helplessness
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Define learned helplessness
Sense of powerlessness to help situation
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What did Seligman do to research learned helplessness
electrocuted dogs , barrier lowered, dogs didn't move
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What is the model of self-determination theory? (Deci and Ryan)
Cognitive Evaluation Theory, Organism Integration Theory, Causality Orientation Theory, Basic Need Theory (Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness)
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What does CET aim to do?
Explain variability in intrinsic motivation
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What does CET maintain?
maintain/enhance internal motivaton need to satisfy 3 innate psychological needs: autonomy, relatedness, competence
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Define competence
mastery or accomplishment
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Define autonomy
sense of belonging and securitt
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Define autonomy
feeling in control and that behaviour is self-determind
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Explain CET related to sport
goal-setting strategies used to confir need for self-competence as long as performer feels responsible for process of achieving gola and related to others in achieving it
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Why shouldn't governments pay athletes to win medals?
When you're externally motivated over prolonged periods, internal motivation subsides and you become dependent on material rewards to be motivatd
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How does extrinsic motivation under intrinsic according to CET?
Over-justification on rewards, self-perception that activity is being performed for rewards, locus of causality shifted externally, competence/self-determination been undermined due to imposed controls
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What does organismic integration theory explain?
the development and multifaceted nature of extrinsic motivation. different types of motivation that vary depending on level a behaviour has been internalised into sense of self
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What are the different forms of behavioural regulation?
on a continuum from internal to exernal: introjected, identified, integrated
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What type of regulation are elite athletes better at moving towards and how do they do this?
internal through appraisal of situation? e.g. playing out of position
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What is achivement goal theory?
ability is central and can be understood in 2 ways: task involvement and ego involvement
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what is task involvement?
mastery focused/self referenced. demonstrating ability through personal improvement
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what is ego involvement?
comparatively referenced: demonstrating superior abiliy over others.
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How are task/ego involvement measured?
task and ego orientation in sport questionnaire and perceptions of success questionnaire
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What combination leads to higher risk of experiencing motivational difficulties?
strong ego orientation w/ low perceived competence
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What are attributions?
the perceived causes that an individual gives for an event
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What affects attributions a person makes
environmental and personality factors --> influence reaction to future situations that are similar
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Describe situation of attributions related to sport
one person wins and puts it down to ability. Other is less confident and claims conditions supported her better than opponents
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What 3 dimensions can achievement attributions be classified along?
locus of causality (event personally internal or external) stability (even variable across time [extent]) and controllability (is attribution controllable or not?)
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What does attribution theory in elite sport predict?
elite performers more likely to make internal controllable stable attributions for success and internal controlable and unstable for failrue
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What is a self-serving bias?
not rational. avoids slipping into learned helplessness - when i lose its not me its conditions
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if your performance is to be maintained through internal motiation what is it important to do?
find ways of feeling competent in what you do, ble to exercise coice, can relte to people your performing with in positive way
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how do you derive inernal motivation from external?
recognise where motivation lies on self-determination continuum
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what is the self-determination continuum?
complete non- SDB, low SDB, moderate, high and complete
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What are key characteristics of optimal motivation?
approach rather than avoid, active, do it for yourself, postiive, internal, self-determined
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What are inspired goals?
internalised, nurutring, specific, planned, in yor control, reviewed, energising, documented
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What are types of goals?
outcome, performance (specify end product of performance that will be achieved independently of other performers) and process (focus on proess during performance)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define Motivation


Constant drive toward achievig carefully-considered goal

Card 3


What are 3 types of motivation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define Internal Motivation


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define external motivation


Preview of the front of card 5
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