
What is an instinct?
Innate, automatic and unlearned response
1 of 17
What is the aim of drive-reduction theory?
To satisfy a need and reduce the tension
2 of 17
Which temperature regulation zone do we want to be in?
Thermoneutral zone
3 of 17
How do neurons regulate temperature?
Inhibit the activity of the other neuron
4 of 17
In the taste reactivity test, what did saccharine (sugary solution) elicit?
Positive response
5 of 17
In the taste reactivity test, what did Quinine (bitter solution) elicit?
Negative response
6 of 17
In the taste reactivity test, what did the sodium chloride solution elicit?
Depended on the level of sodium in the body
7 of 17
What does the Yerkes-Dodson law (1908) suggest?
Require more arousal for an easier task
8 of 17
Where does the reticular activating system start and end?
From the medulla to the forebrain
9 of 17
What does the reticular activating system increase in various cortical areas?
Arousal and attention
10 of 17
What does the appetitive phase in incentive theory involve?
Wanting something
11 of 17
What does the consummatory phase in incentive theory involve?
Liking something
12 of 17
Classical conditioning between ________ and ______ leads to secondary incentives
External stimuli and primary incentives
13 of 17
What is the mesolimbic/mesocortical dopamine pathway involved with?
Appetitive phase
14 of 17
In ICSS studies with rats, which was the biggest incentive for rats to press the lever?
15 of 17
What is there an increase of in the nucleus accumbens during ICSS?
16 of 17
In the taste reactivity test, what did the opiod agonist injection elicit?
Positive response
17 of 17

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Card 2


What is the aim of drive-reduction theory?


To satisfy a need and reduce the tension

Card 3


Which temperature regulation zone do we want to be in?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do neurons regulate temperature?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In the taste reactivity test, what did saccharine (sugary solution) elicit?


Preview of the front of card 5
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