Module 5: Section 2 - Excretion

what is excretion?
the removal of waste products from the body
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how are excess amino acids broken down by the liver? part 1
the nitrogen -containing ammino groups are removed, forming ammonia and organic acids=demaination. the organic acids can be respired to give ATP or converted to carbohydrate and stored as glycogen.
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how are excess amino acids broken down by the liver? part 2
ammonia is combined with CO2 in the ornithine cycle to make urea.
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what does the hepatic artery do?
supplies the liver with oxygenated blood
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hepatic artery?
takes deoxygenated blood away from the liver.
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hepatic portal vein?
brings blood from the small intestine, rich in the products of digestion
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what do kupffer cells do?
remove bacteria and break down red blood cells.
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how does blood enter the kidneys?
renal artery
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what happens when blood psses through the capilleries in the cortex?
the substances get filtered out.
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whats this called?
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where does blood go after in eneters the renal artery?
into smaller arterioles, ecah one splits into a glomerulus.
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what is a glomerulus?
a bundle of capilleies looped inside the bowmans capsule. this is where ultrafiltration takes place.
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whats the arteriole that takes blood into the glomerulus?
afferent arteriole
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whats the arteriole that takes blood out of the glomerulus?
efferent arteriole
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what are the 3 layers substances have to pass through to get into the bowmans capsule?
capillery wall, basement membrane and the epithelium of the bowmans capsule.
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what happens when the filtrate flows through the 1 convoluted tubule, the loop of henle and the distal convoluted tubule ?
selective reabsorption
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what does the epithelium of the PCT have that is good?
microvilli to provide a large surface area for reabsorption.
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what are things like glucose, amino acids, vitamins reabsorbed by along the PCT?
active transport and facilitated diffusion
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how does water enter the blood?
by osmosis becuse the water potentail of the blood islower than that of the filtrate
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where is water reabsorbed?
loop of henle, DCT and collecting duct
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loop of henle stage 1
the asending limb is impermeable to water so it pumps out Na+ and Cl- into the medulla, creating a low water potential as water cant get out. this then makes water move out of the decending limb my osmosis.
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what does this make the filtrate?
more concentrated
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loop of henle stage 2
near the bottom of the asending limb Na+ and Cl- ions diffuse out into the medulla, further lowering the water potential in the medulla, so water moves oout my osmosis.
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where does this water go?
it is reabsorbed into the capilleies.
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how is water potential maintained?
osmoreceptors in the hypothalamusndetect water potential levels, the hythalumus sends nerve impulses to the pituitary gland and that releases ADH into the blood(if water potential is low)
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how is water maintained carried on
ADH makes the walls of the DCT and the collecting duct more permeable to water
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


how are excess amino acids broken down by the liver? part 1


the nitrogen -containing ammino groups are removed, forming ammonia and organic acids=demaination. the organic acids can be respired to give ATP or converted to carbohydrate and stored as glycogen.

Card 3


how are excess amino acids broken down by the liver? part 2


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does the hepatic artery do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


hepatic artery?


Preview of the front of card 5
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