Modern Britain (1970-79)

Why did Heath win the 1970 election?
- Selsdon conference
- Economic recovery
- Jenkins' budget
- Timing of election
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What was the importance of the Selsdon conference?
- Proposals for tax cuts, TU reform, higher pensions, immigration controls and heavy emphasis on law & order
- Popular with voters & suggested Heath was a strong leader
- Bolstered Heath's appeal to those concerned by crime, inflation & industrial unrest
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Economic recovery (1970)
- British exports had surged from £602mil in July to £662mil in August
- By December, after years of deficit, the balance of payment was a surplus of £440mil
- Plans for tax cuts and spending plans adding up to between £400mil to £600mil
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Why did Heath lose the 1974 election?
- Failure to live up to the 'Selsdon' image
- Economic problems
- Industrial unrest
- Northern Ireland
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Economic policies
- Decimalisation reformed currency dating back to the Anglo Saxons
- Barber initially introduced tax cuts to encourage investment but resulted in rapid rise of inflation
- Unemployment hit 1mil in Jan 1972 since the 1930s
- Fell to 500k in 1973
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Heath's failure to live up to the 'Selsdon' image
Infamous U-turn
-Nationalised Rolls Royce in 1971 to supply engines for the Armed Forces
- Spent government money into Upper Clyde Shipbuilders in 1972 to prevent bankruptcy
- State interference showed continuation of the post-war consensus
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Heath's success to tackle TUs
Industrial Relations Bill 1971 - reduced power of unions demanding pre strike ballots & cooling off period
Industry Act 1972 - created a 3 way national agreement on prices & wages
- Problems affected 2% of manufacturers
Heath's failures to tackle TUs
- Bill hated by unions, refused to register & 32 unions suspended
- Feb 1971, 100k TUs demonstrated in London & 1.5mil engineers staged a day strike
- 23.9mil work days lost to strike action in 1972
- Led to 3 day work week
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Three day working week
- Miners took advantage of OPEC crisis and went on strike
- State of emergency declared
- 50mph speed limit, TV ended at 10:30pm & streetlighting was cut
- Gave in with an annual increase of 21% + 15 concessions
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Why did Britain join the EEC in 1973?
Heath's personal commitment - had been chief negotiator since the late 1950s
Pompidou - far more willing to accept British entry than De Gaulle
Economic necessity - Britain was in need of economic aid
Decline as a power - Britain now looked for a new role
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Pros of joining the EEC
- Gained access to European markets
- Stood a better chance of attracting foreign business
- British regions entitled to European development grants
- British workers had the right to work in other EEC countries
Cons of joining the EEC
- No longer able to buy cheap food from C'wealth
- Britain made high contributions to the EEC than it received in grants
- Common Fisheries Policy restricted right to fish in customary grounds
- Britain imposed VAT on consumer good
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The Troubles in Northern Ireland
Internment 1971 -
Bloody Sunday 1972 -
Sunningdale Agreement 1973 -
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The winter of discontent
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The Sex Discrimination Act 1975
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Youth culture
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Attitudes to USSR
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Attitudes to China
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Card 2


What was the importance of the Selsdon conference?


- Proposals for tax cuts, TU reform, higher pensions, immigration controls and heavy emphasis on law & order
- Popular with voters & suggested Heath was a strong leader
- Bolstered Heath's appeal to those concerned by crime, inflation & industrial unrest

Card 3


Economic recovery (1970)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did Heath lose the 1974 election?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Economic policies


Preview of the front of card 5
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