Minority Influence

(DOT) What did Martin do?
2 groups, exposed to minority/majority agreeing. Exposed to opposing view. Minority-agreeing-group less likely to change their minds.
1 of 7
(Existence) What did Moscovici find?
32% gave the same (wrong) answer at least once; influence increased when asked to write answers (internalisation)
2 of 7
(Consistency) What were the percentages of influence over the participants?
Constsistent = 8.42%; inconsistent = 1.25%: none = 0.25%
3 of 7
What is synchronic consistency?
Consistency of what is being said between group
4 of 7
What is diachronic consistency?
Sharing an opinion over a period of time
5 of 7
(Consistency) Who performed meta analysis on 100 people, finding that greater consistency meant better influence?
6 of 7
What did Nemeth say about flexibility?
Flexibility is good because constant consistency can be seen as stubbornness
7 of 7

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Card 2


(Existence) What did Moscovici find?


32% gave the same (wrong) answer at least once; influence increased when asked to write answers (internalisation)

Card 3


(Consistency) What were the percentages of influence over the participants?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is synchronic consistency?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is diachronic consistency?


Preview of the front of card 5
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