Memory: Multistore Model - Evaluation

Explain: The multi store model made an important contribution to memory research
Psychologists could develop models of memory to be tested and refined, to improve our understanding of memory
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Describe HM case study?
Suffered with severe epilepsy, underwent brain surgery which removed his temporal lobes (inc.hippocampus). He had a normal STM but LTM was damaged
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Describe Clive Wearing case study?
Caught virus which caused brain damage (hippocampus) and amnesia. Couldn't transfer info from STM to LTM, normal STM and damaged LTM
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Explain: Psychologists have shown different areas of the brain are involved in STM and LTM from case studies with brain damage
Milner reported on case study HM, had epilepsy and had surgery, removed parts of temporal lobe (inc. hippocampus). C.Wearing, had a virus caused brain damage & amnesia, couldn't transfer from STM to LTM. Both normal STM, damaged LTM. Separate stores.
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Explain: Further supporting evidence from controlled lab studies on capacity, duration and coding
a) Jacobs, serial digit span found capacity in STM 7+or-2 b) Peterson found duration of STM to be between 18-30 seconds c) Bahrick, found duration of LTM to be a lifetime d) Baddeley, coding STM = acoustic LTM = semantic
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Name 2 brain scanning techniques?
PET scans and MRI scans
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What did Squire find?
Hippocampus was more active in LTM tasks, whereas prefrontal cortex more active in STM task
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Explain: Modern brain scanning techniques
PET and MRI scans provide support for the separate memory stores. Squire found hippocampus more active in LTM tasks and prefrontal cortex more active in STM tasks
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Explain: The primary/recency effect provides
supporting evidence for separate stores. Words at the beginning and end of a list a recalled more accurately that those in the middle of a list. Primacy effect = first ones recalled, been rehearsed transferred to LTM. Recency effect = still in STM
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Explain: Multistore model is too simple
Reductionist, memory more complex than a single unitary store. Working memory model shows STM divided into number of stores,kind of memory not how long they last. Rehearsal can explain semantic LTM memories but not episodic memories
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What is a flashbulb memory?
Insignificant details surrounding highly emotional and shocking events sent to LTM without rehearsal
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Explain: The role of rehearsal in transferring material from STM to LTM has been criticised
Evidence for long term memories to be formed without rehearsal - flashbulb memories, insignificant details surrounding emotional or shocking events are sent to LTM without rehearsal
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What did Craik & Lockhart suggest as an alternative for rehearsal?
Long lasting memories created through the processing that you do
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What was Tulving's study into processing?
Gave ppts a list of words, eg. shark. Askedto remember whether wordwas incapitals (shallow processing) or if the word fitted in a sentence (deep processing) ppts remembered more words with deep processing
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Explain: LTM involvesmore than just maintenance rehearsal...
Longlasting memories are created by the processing we do, rather than rehearsal. Deeper you process,more likely to remember. Tulving, gave a list of words to ppts, asked to remember using shallow or deep processing. Deep processing is key to recall
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What was the case study of KF?
KF's STM for digits was poor if someone read them to him (processing acoustically) However, if read to himself,could remember (process visually)
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What did KF mean for MSM?
Evidence against MSM, as it states STM is one unitary store and if damaged all STM damaged. KF shows there is more than one store in the STM
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Name 2 strengths of case studies
1) in depth detailed data (qualitative) 2) rich in detail, allow us to study unique individual cases
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Name a weakness of case studies
1) low in population validity as it uses one person and can't be generalised to population
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe HM case study?


Suffered with severe epilepsy, underwent brain surgery which removed his temporal lobes (inc.hippocampus). He had a normal STM but LTM was damaged

Card 3


Describe Clive Wearing case study?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain: Psychologists have shown different areas of the brain are involved in STM and LTM from case studies with brain damage


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Card 5


Explain: Further supporting evidence from controlled lab studies on capacity, duration and coding


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