Media gcse revison

  • Created by: IT4335
  • Created on: 07-05-17 13:15
What is a trope
a reccurring theme
1 of 55
What is diegetic sound
sound that can be heard within the scene for example dialogue
2 of 55
What is non digetic sound
sound that cannot be heard in scene for example voice over
3 of 55
What is pleonastic sound
exaggerated sound for effect for example whips
4 of 55
What is the standard transition
5 of 55
What are the 4 types of transition
cut, wipe, dissolve, fade
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What are cuts used to show
change in scene and setting, compress time, vary point of view
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What is shot/reverse shot
several shots held together for example conversation setting
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What is an eye line match shot
a shot showing what the charater is looking at and the secound showing what the character is looking at
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What is an eyeline match
two diiferent views of the same action edited together
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What is parallel editing
two opposing settings andshots used after each other for example death shot and baby being born
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What is a long take
a shot that takes a long time before cutting to the next scene
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What is a short take
a shot that is quick to cut to the next scene
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What is slow motion
when the on screen action is slowed down to emphasize violence and action
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What is most important in editing
emotion, storyline/plot, rhythm and pace and eye trace
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What is included in mise en scene
setting and location, costume, props, lighting and colour, composition (especially positoning of people inframe)
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What is the economy of presentation
trying to convey a message as quickly and effciently as possible
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What is shot distance
long shot, mid-shot or close up
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What are camera angles
default angle is straight however there is also point of view high angles low angles and over shoulder shots
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What is camera movement
the way cameras track action moving along side characters and follow action
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What can a big facial close up show
emotion on the charaters face
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What is the hero/protagonist
on a quest usually to recue princess
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What is the villian or antagonist
trying to stop the hero
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What is the dispatcher
sends the hero on a mission
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What is the donor
gives the hero something to help them on their quest
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What is the princess
the thing the hero want to rescue
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What is the helper
the sidekick to the hero
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What is the false hero
the sidekick which ends up being an enemy
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What can be used to show a type of person/character
how they are dressed, speech, body language, how they interact with others, body type and ethnicity
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What channel is Miranda shown on
30 of 55
What channel is New Girl shown on
31 of 55
What is the BBC mission statement
to inform educate and entertain
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What is the channel 4 mission statement
inspire change make trouble and do it first
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What is the BBC 1 demographic
broad family audience appeals to all age ranges young and old
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What is the channel 4 demographic
niche young excludes older family
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What are the psychographics of Miranda
mainstreamer, resigned, strugglers, reformers
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What are the psychographics of New Girl
aspirer, succeeder, explorers, reformers
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When is Miranda on and why
8 or 8:30 peak times pre watershed reflecting family audience/ viewing
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When is New ******* and why
9 post watershed due to sexual referances peak time
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How much audience share does Miranda have
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How much audience share does New Girl have
41 of 55
What is the story arc in a typical sitcom
epuilibrium, dis-epuilibrium, epuilibrium dilemmas usually solved within the episode
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What is a typical cast of a sitcom
small stereotypical cast few locations stereotypical character types
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What is the set up of a sitcom
Short episodes (half an hour), part of a series, several series
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Types of issues in sitcoms
real life everyday problems characters trapped in situation begin and end at the same situation each time
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New girl audience pleasures
attractive cast, cringe comedy, simple problems, aspirational cast
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Miranda audience pleasures
one liners and gags, innuendo, laugh track, good natured, slapstick, typical sitcom structure, stereotypical characters, exaggerated humor
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What do typiclal sitcom theme tunes include
often catchy and sung
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What do typiclal sitcom locations include
simple indentifyable limited locations
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What do typiclal sitcom situations include
trapped and repetative
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What do typiclal sitcom characters include
main characters supporting character/cast and a few transicents who appear in a couple of episodes predictable but complex characters
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What do typiclal sitcom dialogue include
witty with impecable timing
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What do typiclal sitcom opening credits include
they often give a first impression of what the show is about by showing some of the characters or memorable locations from the show
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What do typiclal sitcom actors include
a good sense of timing and likeable
54 of 55
What do typiclal sitcom storylines include
rarely on going most finish by the end of the episode
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


sound that can be heard within the scene for example dialogue


What is diegetic sound

Card 3


sound that cannot be heard in scene for example voice over


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


exaggerated sound for effect for example whips


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the back of card 5
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