
Machines, as persons.

  • Created by: BillyG
  • Created on: 03-04-13 11:17

1. Why did Ned Block chose China to operate his 'Blockhead' ?

  • Because the ammount of people in china is approximate to the ammount of neurons in the brain
  • The people in china are willing to advance the field of philosophy, no matter the cost!
  • He picked it randomly with several other countries, all with approximately the same ammount of people in them.
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Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of these is the philisophical question?

  • What intelligent tasks will computers be able to perform?
  • If computers do perform a rage of tasks in the same way as humans do, does this show that computers, like humans, are minded?
  • Do computers perform these tasks in the same way as humans do?

3. Has any machine ever passed the Turing test ?

  • Maybe
  • No
  • Yes

4. 'Would such an army constitute a mind ? More pointedly, could such an army have pain or the experience of red ?' Who said this ?

  • Ned Block
  • John Searle
  • Daniel Dennett

5. What is the turing test ?

  • An interrogator has to decide what entity is a human and what entity is a machine by asking probing questions.
  • A machine has and a human have to deciper different chinese letters to make an intelligable english sentance.
  • A psychiatrist has to try and make a computer AI believe it is mentally unstable.


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