LON 1920s

Describe what happed in Aaland?
Dispute between Finland and Sweden over the Aaland islands, they threatened to go to war. LON decided that Finland should have the islands in the terms no military activity can happen there. Sweden accepted the LON decision.
1 of 5
Describe what happened in Villa?
Poland took over Vilna. It was 30% polish so Poland wanted it. They invaded and Lithuania appealed to the league. Britain and France protested to Poland but weren’t prepared to get involved.
2 of 5
What happed in upper Silesia and why was it an LON success?
Dispute between Poland and Germany over the Silesia region. The LON split the land in half. Making it a success as they stoped conflict fairly.
3 of 5
What happened in Bulgaria and why was it a success.
Tensions between Greece and Bulgaria were high. A Greek solider walks over the border to get a stray dog and is shot. War starts. The LON desides that Greece have to pay £45,000 in compensation and the war ends making it a success.
4 of 5
Describe the mandates commission and 3 success.
Commission to deal with the former colonies of Germany. 1= Iraq as it becomes independent under Britain. 2=same with Gordon and Syria.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe what happened in Villa?


Poland took over Vilna. It was 30% polish so Poland wanted it. They invaded and Lithuania appealed to the league. Britain and France protested to Poland but weren’t prepared to get involved.

Card 3


What happed in upper Silesia and why was it an LON success?


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Card 4


What happened in Bulgaria and why was it a success.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the mandates commission and 3 success.


Preview of the front of card 5


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