To what extent was the LON a success?

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How succsessful was the LON in 1920's?


  • Aaland Islands, 1921, dispute between Finland and Sweden League awards to Finland, Sweden accepts.
  • Austria and Hungary economic crisis, 1922 - 23, solved by a team of the League Ambassadors.
  • Greece and Bulgaria, 1925, Greece invade Bulgaria, but arfter League pressure they withdraw.


  • Not many obvious failures;should be noted that success often involved smaller Nations.
  • Italy and Corfu, 1923, the League faced Italy but failed to resolve the issue.
  • Poland to Vilna 1920, Poland seizes Vilna from Lithuania, and in 1923, it becomes Polish.
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Why was the LON set up?

  • 14th point of the 14 points
  • Police the world (Intent)
  • Stop aggression (Stop wars using non agressive tactics)
  • Encourage cooporation ( Permanent Court of International Justice)
  • Disarmament (Believed that the war was coming to a close)
  • Improving living and working conditions (Refugees World health org)
  • Established in 1920
  • 42 members (60 by 1930's)
  • 26 Rules
  • Every member had one vote in the assembly
  • Only some could vote on the council
  • LON could warn countries then place trade sanctions (after send troops in)
  • Solved boarder disputes
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What work did the agencies and the commissions do?

Resolved legal issues and bank balances.

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Did weakness in the LON make failure inevitable?

  • The USA did not join ( a major power with a large military)
  • B and F were in charge neither was strong after war had weakend and therfore not strong enough to do the job properly.
  • Economic and MIlitery sanctions could only work if a powerful nation was applying them. Most countries were to busy to apply them.
  • Germany and communist Russia were not allowed to be members when the league first formed.
  • League had no army of its own and most members did not want to comit trips to war.
  • Some countries like Italy were prepared to ignore the league.
  • Organisation was a disaster everyone had to agree before anything was done. Court of Justice had no powers on which to act.  
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Did the Depression make the LON work more difficul

  • The depression caused wide spread poverty.
  • People were expected to support more right winged extreme leaders hoping they provide a strong goverment.
  • In 1933 the Nazis elected in Germany defied the LON and left by overturning the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Depression meant countries like B and Fr were less willing to help the LON by resolving international conflicts. They wanted to concentrate on demestic problems like unemployment.
  • Factor in some international conflicts. ie Manchuria
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Why did the LON fail over Manchuria and Abyssinia


  • Japan suffered in Depression
  • When Japan rebuilt, it build military wise.  This aggression led to Japan wanting more from the League.
  • The Japanese pretended to give independence, however put a weak leader called Puyi who was easy to control.
  • THe LON sent Lord Lytton to assess the situation. He said that the Japanese are wrong but the LON did not do anything about it.
  • Japan refused to accept Lord L report and withdrew from the League in 1933.
  • In 1933 the Japanese invade Chinese Provence.
  • Hitler and Mussolini saw weakness in the League and in 1936 Japan signed a treaty with Germany and in 1937 started invading China.  LON did nothing to stop this.
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  • Mussolini invaded Abyssinia in 1935.  He sent troups with heavy artiliary.
  • Abyssinian leader appealed directly to LON for help. 
  • LON imposed economic sanctions but delayed banning oil exports in case the USA did not support them.
  • LON did not close the Suez Canal to Italian ships (so supplies got through despite the sanctions)
  • May 1936 Italy had conquered all of Abyssinia.
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What did the failure of M and A reveal about the L

Revealed that they were weak, that the Facists could get what whey wanted, that you can start a war and the LON would not do anything about it.

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