Literacy difficulties

What is dyslexia?
Deficit in phonological processing.
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What difficulties can be seen in dyslexic learners?
Issues developing age appropriate word reading, accuracy and fluency. Difficulties understanding written text and a reduces vocab
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What are is the genetic prevelance of dyslexia?
SON - Father 40% SON -Mother 36% Daughter - Both 20% Genetics effect single word reading seen in about 10-15% of the population
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What did Friths framework tell us?
Biological abnormalities lead to Cognitive deficit which result in Behvaioual signs. The cognitive deficit can be modified by good teaching and visa versa
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IQ and Dyslexia
There is not correlation between IQ and dyslexia. In normal readers there is a correlation. Dyslexia responds to age, environment and orthography (lauguage)
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What are the phonological deficits seen in dyslexia?
Poor specified phonological representation of words. poor short term memory. Slower speech rates. Bad at learning vocab. Poor phonological learning and bot great at blending sounds into words.
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What is the verbal naming deficit in dyslexia?
Retrieving names of objects is hard, phonological representation poorly specified. Can define but cant't name the object. Verbal repetition, non-words with same semantic representation. Deficit in rapid naming
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Double deficit theory...
Reading problems and phonological problems and RAN problems inter linked.
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What are the 3 sub typed of Dyslexia?
Phonological, surface and develpometal
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Phonological dyslexia...
Sub lexical route. difficulty reading non-words but o.k at exception words. There errors made don't match phonolgy
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Surface dyslexia...
Direct lexical access route. Word reading pattern, difficulty with exception word but o.k at non-words. Transparent errors.
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What is the Magnocellular deficit theory?
Belief that there is a visual instability in the magnocellular pathwar which carries info from the large retina via LGN, thickened fibers. Unsteady binocular fixation, unstable vergence control and colour filters, yellow enhances mc sensitivity
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What difficulties can be seen in dyslexic learners?


Issues developing age appropriate word reading, accuracy and fluency. Difficulties understanding written text and a reduces vocab

Card 3


What are is the genetic prevelance of dyslexia?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Friths framework tell us?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


IQ and Dyslexia


Preview of the front of card 5
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