Limits of attention

1998 - Door study - what and who by?
Simons & Levin (1998) - stranger asks for directions - 2 men walk in between w door, experimenter changes (8/15 didn't notice)
1 of 16
Inattention Blindness - what is it?
Failure to detect an unexpected object appearing in the visual environment
2 of 16
What study is related to IAB and who is it by?
Invisible gorilla experiment - Simons & Chabris (1999) - 50% failed to see gorilla
3 of 16
Change Blindness - what is it?
Failure to detect an object that has moved or disappeared
4 of 16
How can we induce change blindness?
Occlusion-contingent change / Gap-contingent change / Saccade-contingent change / Blink-contingent change
5 of 16
How can we explain change blindness? (2 theories)
Coherence Theory & Theory of Scene Perception
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Coherence theory - who is it by?
Rensink (2000, 2002)
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Coherence theory - stage 1
Parallel stage - prior to focused attention - representation of several objects produced by lack stability so are rapidly replaced by new stimuli
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Coherence theory - stage 2
Focused attention stage - detailed & longer lasting rep of object formed - allows rep to withstand brief interruption and not be replaced
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Coherence theory - stage 3
Focused attention removed - representation disintegrates and returns to liable state in was in in stage 1
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Theory of Scene Perception - who's it by?
Hollingworth & Henderson (2002) / Simons (2000)
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S.P.Theory - what is it?
Says detailed representations of objects in focus are formed - these are put into a mental map of a scene and stored in the LTM
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Which theory is supported by Hollingworth & Henderson (2002) study?
13 of 16
Type changes are...?
...when an object is replaced by another object in a different category (e.g. plate --> book)
14 of 16
Token changes are...?
...when an object is replaced by another object in the same category (e.g. plate --> another plate)
15 of 16
Which changes are easier to detect?
Type changes
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Inattention Blindness - what is it?


Failure to detect an unexpected object appearing in the visual environment

Card 3


What study is related to IAB and who is it by?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Change Blindness - what is it?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How can we induce change blindness?


Preview of the front of card 5
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