Attention 2

  • Created by: meg_lou
  • Created on: 25-04-17 10:54
How is selective attention studied?
Present 2 or more stimuli and attend to one of them
1 of 20
How id divided attention studied?
Present multiple stimuli and attend to them all
2 of 20
What does selective attention demonstrate?
Ability to select and the fate of unattended stimuli
3 of 20
What does divided attention demonstrate?
The processing limitations of attention
4 of 20
What factors influence our success at divided attention?
Task similarity, task difficulty, practice, automaticity
5 of 20
When will divided attention between cognitive tasks be successful?
If the sum of the task demands does not exceed attentional capacity
6 of 20
When do tasks not have to compete?
When they use different mental resources
7 of 20
When do unrelated tasks compete?
Driving while talking on the phone
8 of 20
What input and material does driving rely on?
Visual and spatial
9 of 20
What input and material does conversation rely on?
Auditory and verbal
10 of 20
What input and material does conversation rely on?
Auditory and verbal
11 of 20
What is there a close relationship between?
Task complexity and attentional demand
12 of 20
What does practice lead to?
13 of 20
What are the 3 criteria by Posner and Snyder (1974; 1975) for a process being automatic?
Occurs unintentionally, unconsciously and operates without depleting resources of attention
14 of 20
What tasks draw more attention?
15 of 20
What is an example of negative effects of automaticity?
Stroop task
16 of 20
What is the orienting reflex/attention capture?
Redirect attention to unexpected stimuli in peripheral vision
17 of 20
What did Cowan (1995) identify as categories of attention capturing stimuli?
Significant and novel stimuli
18 of 20
In terms of social cues, what do we tend to notice (Kingston et al., 2003)?
Where other people are looking
19 of 20
What type of response is orienting?
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How id divided attention studied?


Present multiple stimuli and attend to them all

Card 3


What does selective attention demonstrate?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does divided attention demonstrate?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What factors influence our success at divided attention?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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