Other questions in this quiz

2. Who are the Chevra Kaddisha?

  • Volunteers from the religious community, who care for the dead
  • The three witnesses during the divorce process
  • A Jewish court full of people
  • Witnesses who are involved in a Jeiwsh marriage

3. Why are open casket ceremonies forbidden?

  • It's disrespectful to allow friends and enemies to view the dead, mocking their helpless state
  • 0

4. How old usually is girl when they have their Bat Chayil?

  • 16
  • 12
  • 14
  • 13

5. Why are the coffin and headstone plain?

  • So that all Jewish people can be seen as equal
  • So they aren't considered sinners
  • Because it's cost efficient
  • So that they don't stand out, projecting boastfulness


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