Background to Buddhism

Buddhism Did not develop in a Vaccum is a quote to attribute to who?
1 of 8
Which civilisations influenced the Buddha?
Indus Valley and Vedic
2 of 8
He rejected one of the above elements due to his own experience during the six year fast, what was it?
Extreme aesheticim
3 of 8
There are two reasons found in the Buddha's teaching for why he rejected the atman; what are they?
Anata, impermanence of self; and the 5 skandas.
4 of 8
What example shows the difference between rebirth and reincarnation?
A candle flame which changes as it passes the flame to another candle
5 of 8
What two events in his life show how he abandoned the caste system?
Teaching people of all backgrounds, renunciation of his charmed life as a Kshatriya.
6 of 8
Why do people believe the earliest civilasation only worshipped tehir mother godess in the home?
Excavations found no temple
7 of 8
One last quote - all these are true, but only some pertain to this specific topic - which is it?
'Posssesed an equally strong rejection of it.' (About the Buddha's contemporary culture and values) Side
8 of 8

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Card 2


Which civilisations influenced the Buddha?


Indus Valley and Vedic

Card 3


He rejected one of the above elements due to his own experience during the six year fast, what was it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


There are two reasons found in the Buddha's teaching for why he rejected the atman; what are they?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What example shows the difference between rebirth and reincarnation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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