Other questions in this quiz

2. When are the rats most likely to be conditioned to associate the bell with electric shocks?

  • When they are shocked the same amount of times with or without the bell sounding
  • When they always hear the bell and are sometimes randomly shocked
  • When they are more likely to be shocked while the bell sounds
  • When they are only shocked while the bell sounds

3. Which of these is a case of habituation?

  • A dog barks at the mailman because he comes every day
  • A dog stops noticing the mailman because he comes every day
  • A dog stops barking at the mailman because he comes every day
  • A dog gradually becomes afraid of the mailman because he comes every day

4. The sound of a bell, announcing food, makes the dog salivate because it is a...

  • Conditioned response
  • Conditioned stimulus
  • Unconditioned stimulus
  • Unconditioned response

5. Which is the most successful pairing for classical conditioning?

  • Presenting the conditioned stimulus before the unconditioned stimulus
  • Presenting the unconditioned stimulus before the conditioned stimulus
  • Presenting the unconditioned and conditioned stimuli at the same time
  • Presenting the conditioned stimulus both before and after the unconditioned stimulus


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