TB7 D&L Lecture 1; Connectionist (Triangle) models

  • Created by: mint75
  • Created on: 19-12-15 13:19

TB7 D&L Lecture 1; Connectionist (Triangle) models


  • A 'BIOLOGICALLY PLAUSIBLE' structure. Each element in the model acts similar to a neuron with decisions made via intra-model patterns of activation
  • Rules are learnt via TRAINING algorithms, not pre-specified.
  • *This process involves creating MAPPINGS between orthography and phonology, and orthography and phonology via semantics
  • *'Words' represented as patterns of activation, with the relative importance of each pathway changing at diff levels of training
  • Accounts for similar phenomena as the DRC after sufficient training
  • Differing from the DRC in that a DEVELOPMENTAL perspectve is posed. Learning algorithms simulate a childs development into a skilled reader.


  • OVERSIMPLIFICATION of a biological neural network. Learning 'rules' do not capture the messiness and complexity of 'real life' learning


Although creating a more biologically sound model which does have applications in real-world data, the DRC's simplicity does overshadow the learning algorithm explanation. 


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