Developmental Psychology


Different Views Of Learning:

Formal Vs Informal Education:

FORMAL: Formal learning occurs in a structured and organized environment such as an educational institution. It is explicitly designed with deliberate, intentional planning in the form of an educational curriculum. 

  • Who teaches? Specially identified persons.
  • Who learns? The persons who are given the social role of 'student'. 
  • What is learned? Knowledge is defined by the curriculum which is devised by the institution in control. 

INFORMAL: Informal learning is the education that is beyond core limitations but still has structure. It is seen as learning which goes on in our daily life undertaken by us to teach ourselves. For example, piano lessons. 

  • Who teaches? Anybody in the immediate social environment.
  • Who learns? Everybody
  • What is learned? Anything in the realm of socially shared knowledge. 

NONFORMAL: All the rest - learning without the deliberate


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