KQ2..Urban Case study 1:Mexico City Growth

  • Created by: Lilly0097
  • Created on: 14-05-15 15:27
Where is Mexico City located?
Towards the centre of Mexico. The area is known as the Valley of Mexico due to the surrounding mountain rages
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How far above the sea level is Mexico City?
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The mountain-rimmed base is...
prone to temperature inversions, trapping pollutants and reducing air quality.
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Mexico City is built on lake beds, after the Spanish Conquest in C16th the lake was slowly drained to reduce flooding and to allow the newly established colonial city to grow. What happened as a result of the drained lake beds?
The city is now slowly sinking as a result, 5-40 cm per year, while their incoherent nature amplify earthquakes.
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What was Mexico City's population like in 1941 compared to now?
1941=1.7 million.....Now=22 million
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Why is their high underemployment in Mexico City?
Because there are few full-time jobs
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What are wages like for unskilled workers?
Poor- at $4/day
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What are the working hours like?
Long working hours of 16 hours/day to make ends meet
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With high underemployment in Mexico City what do people do to earn money?
They are forced to work in the informal sector with no regular wages
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What is the main problem associated with working in the informal sector?
People aren't paying taxes and so there is less money for the mucicipal government to provide basic services (education, sanitation)
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Why aren't young people being educated to work in higher-skill jobs?
As wages are so low ALL members of a family need to work to meet increasing costs of living SO many children therefore do not attend school which results in an uneducated workforce long-term which limits economic development.
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What are factors that impact on the health of the population?
The amount of cars, >3million and 30,000 industrial sites ==excessive air pollution that causes severe respiratory problems
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Where does the majority of the working class live?
In the east and the industry is predominantly located in the north=heavy traffic congestion during rush hour slowing journeys + increasing air pollution
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Why is sewage allowed to flow into open rivers that then travels into agricultural regions north of the city?
Sewage systems are poorly constructed and unable to cope with the high levels of sewage produced everyday AND because of the majority of residents work in the informal sector there is little taxes in the government SO services cannot be maintained
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How much rubbish is being produced every day?
11,000 tonnes--but there is not enough waste collectors SO waste is often dumped in the rivers
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How far above the sea level is Mexico City?



Card 3


The mountain-rimmed base is...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Mexico City is built on lake beds, after the Spanish Conquest in C16th the lake was slowly drained to reduce flooding and to allow the newly established colonial city to grow. What happened as a result of the drained lake beds?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was Mexico City's population like in 1941 compared to now?


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