Key terminology (Attachment)

A close, two-way emotional bond between two individuals that see eachother as essential for their emotional security.
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An interaction where each person responds to the other and elicits a response from them.
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Interactional synchrony
When the mother and infant reflect both the actions and emotions of the other in a coordinated way.
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A set of feelings that tie one person to another.
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Learning theory
The theory that all behaviour is learnt rather than inborn and what people become is due to their life experiences.
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Critical period
When infants form an attachment with a caregiver between birth and 2 and a half years.
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Infants form only one 'special' attachment with their mother/ mother-subsitute.
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Internal working model
A cognitive model about how a child's early relationships act as a template for relationships in later life.
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Secure attachment (type B)
They use their attachment figure as a secure base and seek their attachment figure in times of distress.
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Insecure-resistant attachment (type C)
When the child displays clingy behaviour but then rejects any attempts by the caregiver when they try to interact.
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Insecure-avoidant attachment (type A)
Child doesn't orientate with their attachment figure, is very independent and doesn't seek their comfort when distressed.
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The behaviour patterns of infants that grew in an orphanage/ foster care.
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Deprivation dwarfism
Children who lack emotional care can become physically underdeveloped because the hormone production is negatively impacted.
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Attachment disorder
A psychiatric disorder that affects a child's social and emotional development.
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Intellectual underfunctioning
When a child's cognitive development is delayed or reduced.
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Disinhibitied attachment
When a child actively approaches or tries to interact with strangers in a overfriendly manner (form of insecure attachment).
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Card 2


An interaction where each person responds to the other and elicits a response from them.



Card 3


When the mother and infant reflect both the actions and emotions of the other in a coordinated way.


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Card 4


A set of feelings that tie one person to another.


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Card 5


The theory that all behaviour is learnt rather than inborn and what people become is due to their life experiences.


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