Italy post WW1

  • Created by: darcylizz
  • Created on: 21-04-17 14:52
What is the name of the agricultural Socialist Trade Union?
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What is the name of the industrial Socialist Trade Union?
CGL (Confederazione Generale del Lavoro)
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What coalition was formed before the 1921 election?
The National Bloc, between Mussolini and Giolitti
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What are the agrari, sharecroppers and rentiers?
Agrari - Large Landowners, Sharecroppers - Owners of small amounts of land and Rentiers - People who rented out land for a share of the crops produced
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What did sharecroppers fear the socialists would do if they got into power?
Collectivisation, communist policy of combining small farms into large publicly owned ones
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What are the petty bourgeoisie and arditi?
Petty Bourgeoisie - lower middle class, Arditi - ex-soldiers
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What percentage of the vote did the Fascists win in the 1921 elections and what else did they achieve?
7%, but Mussolini was now a deputy in parliment
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How did the Facist Party Programme change between 1919 and 1921, give some specific examples?
The Party changed from being left wing to right wing, eg. Tax 1919- "heavy progressive tax on capital" but 1921 - "tax proportional to income"
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How did the liberal respond to the Bienno Rosso?
Legalised land occupations in Sicily and Naples, and gave strikers bread subsidies
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How many supporters did the Fascist Party have by the end of 1921?
A little over 200,000
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How many socialist sympathisers were killed during the 1921 election campaign by fascist squads?
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How many Trade Union offices were destroyed 1920-1921 and how many people killed and wounded?
80 Trade Union Offices destroyed, 200 killed and 800 wounded
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How many seats did the other main parties win in the 1921 election?
PSI - 123, PPI - 107, Liberals - 92 seats
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What two key events take place in May 1921?
Giolitti resigns and is replaced by Bonomi (left wing socialist sympathiser), Italo Balbo launches an assult on Ferrara with 50,000 unemployed men to put local work schemes in place
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What two examples of fascist violence occured June and July of 1921?
June - Balbo lauches an assult in Bologna and evicted anti-Fascist prefect Mori, July - Roberto Farinacci launches an assult in Cremonaon non-Fascists
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When did Mussolini sign the Pact of Pacification with the Socialists?
August 1921
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When does the Facist Party become an official political party and what is it called?
October 1921, It was called the PNF or The National Fascist Party
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Who is Bonomi replaced by as MP and when?
Bonomi resigns and is replaced by Luigi Facta (who sees himself as a caretaker primeminister) in Febuary 1922
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What happens July 1922 that Mussolini takes advantage of to create more fear of socialism?
Socialists call an Alliance of Labour General Strike, Mussolini used his newpaper to exaggerate the threat of socialism and show it is still a threat
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In reality how much support did the Alliance of Labour General Strike get?
Very little of the 10,000 Fiat workers only 800 went on strike
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What is an example of the weakness of the Liberal Government?
In July 1922, Facta's coalition with the PPI briefly collapses before reforming a few days later
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What comprimises did Mussolini make September 1922 to earn the support of the elite?
He drops his policy of Republicanism and makes a speach in Udine exprssing admiration for the King and Army
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When does Mussolini make a speach in Naples and what does he praise?
October 1922, praising the monarchy and role of parliment
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Why does the Popolari withdraw support?
Liberals proposed a tax that would damage the Vatican cities financial investments and proposed a reform - female suffrage
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the name of the industrial Socialist Trade Union?


CGL (Confederazione Generale del Lavoro)

Card 3


What coalition was formed before the 1921 election?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the agrari, sharecroppers and rentiers?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did sharecroppers fear the socialists would do if they got into power?


Preview of the front of card 5
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