Why was the LIberal Govt weak?

  • Created by: jcollings
  • Created on: 29-04-14 20:31
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  • Why was the Liberal govt weak?
    • Between the years of 1870-1922 there were 29 Prime ministers in Italy reflecting a rapid turnover of govt,rendering them inefficient in improving the situation both economically+socially
    • RELIGION-The LIberals failed to make peace with the Church, though this institution exerted a considerable amount of control +influence over the people
    • The Liberals ineffectively dealt with the economic crisis and by 1919 post-war inflation caused the lira to lose half its value.
      • The LIberals' policies to solve these problems were half-hearted, widely disliked +futile.
    • JOINING WAR- The Liberals' decision to join a war that many deemed inadvisable.
      • Italy was not economically,socially or militarily prepared for a war and therefore suffered harder in comparison to other countries
    • ECONOMIC- The Liberals failed to attempt to transform the economy, which remained backward and unprepared for WW1, which was of the main reasons Italy suffered an economic depression post-war.
    • The wealthy and educated elite led a corrupt government where political alliances played a dominant part. The fragile and fluid loyalties of the politicians led to an ineffective and inconstant ‘trasformismo’ form of politics causing their unpopularity to increase
  • Between the years of 1870-1922 there were 29 Prime ministers in Italy reflecting a rapid turnover of govt,rendering them inefficient in improving the situation both economically+socially


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