Individual differences

  • Created by: maryellis
  • Created on: 27-05-24 12:35

1. What is the experience corollary?

  • A person may successively employ a variety of construction subsystems which are inferentially incompatible with each other. The subsystem is imperfect and personality is inconsistent.
  • To the extent that someone employs a construction of experience which is similar to that of another. This plays a role in the social process involving the other person.
  • To the extent that someone employs a construction of experience which is similar to that of another. This plays a role in the social process involving the other person.
  • A persons construction system varies as they successively construe the (non-) replication of events. If anticipation fails, constructs can change.
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2. According to clinical applications of Freudian theory, what is catharsis?

  • Remembering the original cause of the trauma.
  • Taking out the emotions on another source
  • Putting the dark thoughts into the subconscious mind

3. True or false? The numbers of forward scored and reverse scored items on a tests should be roughly equal to reduce acquiescence bias.

  • True
  • False

4. What is factor rotation?

  • Allows you to hypothesise links between variables and check how well it fits the data.
  • Use orthogonal rotation which assumes factors are independent. The solution is more interpretable.
  • Allows factors to be correlated and the solution is less interpretable

5. What is the construction corollary?

  • A construct is convenient for the anticipation of the finite range of events only. No construct does everything.
  • A person anticipates events by construing their replications - they expect the future to be like the past and prior theory yields prediction.
  • To understand the world we break it up into bipolar constructs. A persons construction system is composed of a finite number of dichotomous constructs.
  • Each person characteristically evolves for their convenience in anticipating events a construction system embracing ordinal relationships between constructs. This relationship between constructs can be tight, loose or no relationship.


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