  • Created by: Jimmeny
  • Created on: 04-01-20 11:41
What does the shape of the normal distribution depend on?
1) Mean (central tendency) 2) SD (variability)
1 of 14
What is the SD?
The average amount by which the scores differ from the mean.
2 of 14
What is the ** formula?
∑(µ -xi) 2
3 of 14
What is the Variance fomula?
∑(µ -xi) 2 / n-1
4 of 14
Why is ANOVA a GLM?
The Sums of Square ( variance) can be expressed as an equation.
5 of 14
How can scores be described in relation to the mean?
Below, identical to or above the mean.
6 of 14
What's another way of describing the data?
Each Age = Mean + Individual Difference
7 of 14
When two samples are from the same population, why are the means and sd's not equal?
Due to RSV
8 of 14
When two samples are different populations, why are the means and sd's not equal?
Due to Ex. effect and RSV
9 of 14
What is the equation for two samples of different populations?
Score = Overall population effect + Experimental effect + Individual difference
10 of 14
What is the equation for two samples from the same population?
Score = Overall population effect + Individual difference
11 of 14
How do we calculate variability in a single between factor ANOVA?
**(Score) = **(Experimental effect) + **(Individual difference)
12 of 14
How is this equation shown in an ANOVA design?
**(Score) = **(Between Groups) + **(Within Groups)
13 of 14
Why do we have to estimate population parameters?
Because we never know the population values, we have to estimate from the data extracted from our samples.
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the SD?


The average amount by which the scores differ from the mean.

Card 3


What is the ** formula?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the Variance fomula?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is ANOVA a GLM?


Preview of the front of card 5
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