Individual differences

  • Created by: maryellis
  • Created on: 27-05-24 12:35

1. What is polymorphously perverse?

  • A defence mechanism in infants
  • When pleasure comes from any part of the body being stimulated.
  • When the unconscious drives are still lingering the conscious mind.
1 of 20

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2. What did Watson propose personality was?

  • A collection of learned habits
  • Innate internal traits that make someone unique
  • A collection of unlearned innate habits.

3. What are implicit theories?

  • Complete theories
  • What non-experts think
  • Partial theories
  • What experts think

4. What is non shared environment?

  • The characteristics that are unique to the environment of different people.
  • The characteristics that are common to the environment of different people.

5. What are inner qualities?

  • Non-essential internal features of personality, at least partly latent and hidden.
  • Essential features of a person, at least partly latent and hidden.
  • The traits each person possesses that are shared with others.


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