
  • Created by: Estheexd
  • Created on: 18-04-14 20:38
What is the difference between the terms 'Citizen' and 'subject'
A Citizen is a member of a country. A subject is a person living under a system of monarchy
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Explain what is meant by the term 'active citizenship'
Active citizenship means taking an active role in the country in which a citizen lives
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Why do people differ in their defintion of citizenship?
People have different ideas about the responsiblitys a citizen has to community around them and/have obligations to take an active role e.g indivudalist and communtarian
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Outline an example of each of the following: Civil right, political right, social right
Civil: Right to a fair trial. Political: Right to vote. Social: Right to education
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Describe two categories of citizenship status
Dual Citizenship: being a british citizen but being adopted by another nation. British citizen most common type of citizen, allows you to live and work in the uk
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List three ways in which a person can become a british citizen
Being born in the uk, adoption, by descent, registration, via naturalisation
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Why is it difficult to define what it means to be british
Different cultures, ethnicities and religions are practise in Britain. Britain is made of four nations. (England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland)
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Give three examples of factors which might impact a persons sense of national identity
Symbols, Lnaguage/Dialect, Personal beliefs
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Outline two key factors that influence a group or individual's identity.
Regionality, Ethnicity, Religion, Age, Gender, Nationality, Employment
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What is the difference between primary and secondary socialisation
Primary Socialisation is the stage when a person learns interaction (language, trust) and the values and norms of their family. Secondary is when a person communicates with those outside their family and learns the norms and values of society
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How are issues of identity linked to the subject of Citizenship
Citizenship is about the communities that citizens live and its the communities that impact and form individual identity
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Identify some of the 'push' and 'pull' factors affecting migration
Push: Famine, war, natural distasters and persecution. Pull: living conditions, employment, study and family
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What are some of the arguments both for and against immigration
Against: population rise, strain on resources and services, and fewer jobs. For: fills skills shortages, state doesnt pay for education for migrant workers
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Name some of the events that have affected immigration to the uk since 1945
Mass movement of people after secound world war, recruitement of workers after war, indian idependence from Britian in 1947, membership of EU
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What is the most common desination for those emigrating from the uk
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Outline the differences between the mutilcutral and assimilation models of integration
Multiculturalism: knows the importance of diversty and celebrations of different cultural identies. Assimilation: requires different cultures to merge into the 'host' or dominant culture.
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Explain why london is so ethnically diverse
London has a long history of immigration. Its an attractive destination as it has lots of jobs, oppurtunitys, houses and schools and universities
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Why might urban areas be more ethnically diverse that rural areas
Urban area have a great chance of employment and education and house so it attracts migrants.
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Identify some contemporary issues relating to living in a muticultural society
Resentment over migrant workers, lack of ethic intergration, increases in race related crimes and violence, differences of what is legal and illegal in diffrent countries
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Give examples of ways in which people may sterotype and label others in society
Exaggerating aspects of their cultrual identies. Tagging or labeling individuals or groups, such as women are bad drives, young people wearing hooded tops are trouble makers
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Outline some of the reasons why people may sterotype others
Dominant groups in scoiety trying to supress others. Exisitng Prejudice. Meida influence
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What are some examples of the ways in which the media may sterotype groups or individuals
By creating charcters in soap operas, advertising and tv shows which are based on stereotypes
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Assess the main theories of the influence of the media on stereotyping
Pluralist, suggest the media gives what the people want but the media doesnt influence people. Cultral dominace: social group dominates the media and media tend to be bias. Marxist: suggest media controls the less powerful or wealthy in society
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Outline four different types of discrimination
Indirect: someone unintentionally and.or indirectly treated differently. Direct: some is intentionally and/or treated differently. Postive: someone is treated differently to improve their situation. Negative: treating someone differently to harm
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Identify the differences between prejudice and discrimination
Prejudice is a set of beliefs that a group or individual hold and discrimination is acting on prejudice beliefs
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How does genocide contrast with other forms of discrimination
Its discrimination on a wider scale and it involves a large group of people: extreme forms of violence to attempt to destroy an entire national or racial group
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Explain three examples of the basis for prejudice
Sterotypes, Irrational fears, Personal preference, Experience
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Explain how education, health and employment can affect life chances
being able to access education may affect an individuals ability to gain employment and higher wages. Lack of employment will impact an individuald income and their quality of life
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What is the affect of social class and gender on life chances
Social Class: affect life chances as children of those in higher social classes will remain in higher social classes. Gender: affects life chances as woman life longer but have lower salaries as they are restricted to part time and lower paid jobs
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Identify three other factors that may affect life chances
Sexuality: homophobic bullying can affect mental health and future oppurtiunties. Age: old people lives on low incomes because of pensions. Disbalities: less likely to be in full time education, employment and training and earn less. Ethnicity
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Why might it be diffcult to define the term 'poverty'
Different defintions: relative or absolute poverty. Levels of poverty vary drastically between more and less economically developed countries
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What is meant by the term 'underclass'
A group in society who are excluded from normal society because they either are unable to break from the poverty cycle, are vulnerable and isolated or are criminal
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Why do some argue that we should disregard the term 'poverty' in the UK
Some argue we should disregard poverty as a term and focus on those groups who are on the lowest income in socierty
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What is meant by the term 'Equality' within the context of equal oppurtunities
it means that, as far as possible, everyone should be treated fairly,
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Why might indirect discrimination be harder to identify than direct discrimination
it is often subtle and unintentional - this can make it harder to identify and prove
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Identify three policies or legisations created to combat discrimination
Equal Pay Act 1970, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Equality Act 2006 & 2007
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Outline the role of the Equality and Human Rights Commission
Promotes interest of groups that may face hurdles to equal oppurtunities, informs public about these issues, provides legal advice, to companies on how to promote equal oppurtinites and to employees that feel unfairly treated.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Explain what is meant by the term 'active citizenship'


Active citizenship means taking an active role in the country in which a citizen lives

Card 3


Why do people differ in their defintion of citizenship?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Outline an example of each of the following: Civil right, political right, social right


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe two categories of citizenship status


Preview of the front of card 5
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