What is an incident?
An instance of something happening
1 of 14
What is an emergency?
A serious, unexpected and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action
2 of 14
What is an accident?
An incident that is unexpected and unintentionally occurs that results in injury or damage
3 of 14
What are some examples of incidents and emergencies?
- A slip, trip or fall
- Exposure to chemicals or harmful substances or infections
- Spillages
- Fire or flood
- Agressive or drunken encounters
- Loss of water supply
- Other critical incidents such as a power cut
4 of 14
What are the first aid requirements of an employer?
- Carry out risk assessments to determine the level of first aid provision required
- Provide appropriate first aid equipment and facilities
- Train and appoint staff to give first aid
- Have an effective method of recording accidents that require first a
5 of 14
What should be done when reporting accidents or incidents?
- Record all accidents to inform future risk assessments and improve standards
- Use police for other incidents and social serviced for safeguarding incidents if required
- Floods and loss of water supply need to be reported to the Water Board
- If the s
6 of 14
Why might someone in a setting be agressive, dangerous or an unauthorised person?
- They are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- They may have mental health issues
- They may be burglars
- They may be dissatisfied service users
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How would a member of staff respond to an agressive, dangerous or an unauthorised person appropriately?
- Be calm
- Speak firmly and clearly and ask them to leave
- Alert other staff
- Call the police if they persist and refuse to leave
- Keep yourself safe and don't put yourself at risk
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What incidents may require an evacuation?
- A gas leak
- A flood
- A bomb threat
- A fire
9 of 14
What is the government advice for a firearms or weapons attack?
- Run (if you can)
- Hide (if you can't run away)
- Tell (call the police when it is safe to do so)
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How would you follow up a critical incident or emergency?
- Counselling or support for those involved
- Review of policies and procedures to provide recommendations for future practice
11 of 14
What are the 3 responsabilities of a first aider?
(the three P's)
- Preserve life
- Prevent further injury
- Promote recovery
12 of 14
How are the 'Three P's' carried out by first aiders
in 6 responsabilities?
- Assess for danger (look for any risks)
- Keep yourself and the area safe (eg. stopping traffic)
- Prevent further harm (Check conciousness, airways, pulse)
- Maintain respect and dignity
- Get help
- Stay with the individual until help arrives
13 of 14
How would a first aider provide reassurance to someone injured?
- Use a calm and confident voice
- Don't speak too quietly
- Say help is on the way
- Make eye contact
- Get down to their level
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is an emergency?


A serious, unexpected and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action

Card 3


What is an accident?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are some examples of incidents and emergencies?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the first aid requirements of an employer?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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