What are some advantages of narrow span of control?
1. Better controls as there are fewer subordinates under one manager. 2. Managers have more time with fewer subordinates to discuss regarding work related issues. 3. Better communication and strong bonds between employees and manager.
1 of 6
What are some disadvantages of narrow span of control?
1. Expensive as more supervisors/managers needs to be hired. 2 High number of managers could lead to disputes and more conflicts.
2 of 6
What are some advantages of Hack man and Old hams model?
1. Helps HR teams to design training programs for employees. 2. Choose the right candidates for specified roles 3. Easier to delegate specific tasks.
3 of 6
What are some disadvantages of Hack man and Old hams model?
1. Outdated.theory as world of work has changed drastically and designed for jobs with fixed roles. 2. Every criteria must be met for it work efficiently but employees may not posses the required skills.
4 of 6
What are some advantages of Flat organisational structure?
1. Reduces level of responsibilities for employees. 2. Encourage an easier decision-making process among employees. 3. Reduces business costs by getting rid of layers of management (salaries)
5 of 6
What are some disadvantages of Flat organisational structure?
1. Employees often lack a specific boss to report to (causes confusion). 2. Flat structure may limit long-term growth of an organisation (miss out on opportunities to maintain the structure). 3. Larger firms struggle to adapt the flat structure
6 of 6

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Card 2


What are some disadvantages of narrow span of control?


1. Expensive as more supervisors/managers needs to be hired. 2 High number of managers could lead to disputes and more conflicts.

Card 3


What are some advantages of Hack man and Old hams model?


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Card 4


What are some disadvantages of Hack man and Old hams model?


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Card 5


What are some advantages of Flat organisational structure?


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