How successful was the new deal

  • Created by: XlarabX
  • Created on: 06-09-20 13:42
What were three aims of the new deal ?
1) Relief- feed the starving and stop people from losing their homes 2)recovery- revive the economy by getting industry stimulated again 3) reform- make USA a better place by introducing pensions, help sick and disabled unemployment insurance
1 of 5
describe how Roosevelt restored confidence in the banks
he ordered all the banks to close and to remain closed until government officials had checked over them.
2 of 5
who were the brain trusts?
Roosevelt worked round the clock with his advisors to produce an enormous range of sweeping measures.
3 of 5
How did Roosevelt communicate with people and how many people turned in?
he communicated with people through the radio and 60 million people turned in.
4 of 5
what unpopular thing did Roosevelt end in 1933?
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


describe how Roosevelt restored confidence in the banks


he ordered all the banks to close and to remain closed until government officials had checked over them.

Card 3


who were the brain trusts?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did Roosevelt communicate with people and how many people turned in?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what unpopular thing did Roosevelt end in 1933?


Preview of the front of card 5


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