Other questions in this quiz

2. What was the 25-point-programme?

  • The killing of the people who didn't have blond hair and blue eyes
  • Improvement of Germany
  • A new set of laws made by Hitler
  • The killing of the Jews

3. What was the wall street crash?

  • Money became worthless so people had to carry money in a wheelbarrow just to buy a cup of coffee.
  • The Great Depression began and Weimar government fell.
  • America's economy collapsed and unemployment rose to 6 million.
  • The Weimar government fell so the Nazis killed half of Germany's population to help.

4. How did propaganda help Hitler gain power?

  • It gained support quickly
  • Josef Goebbels was in charge
  • Lots of people bought newspapers and heard the radio, so the message spread
  • The Nazis made the propaganda

5. Why did Hitler's personality help him gain power?

  • It made him sound bossy
  • He seemed energetic and passionate, so people believed him
  • He seemed sympathetic, so people liked him
  • It made him sound powerful


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