HHI Human development/life expectancy

Define development
How a country tries to develop economically and improve the standard of living for inhabitants
1 of 10
What are the development processes/ stages?
Economic growth
Investment and tech progress
Advances in health and education
Evolution in social and political institutions
2 of 10
What is GDP?
Gross domestic product
3 of 10
What is HDI?
human development index, measures life expectancy, education and income per capita
4 of 10
What is GII? What does it measure?
Gender inequality index, reproductive health, empowerment, how many women are employed
5 of 10
Case study- Saudi Arabia
Follows Sharia Law, many restrictions against womens rights to education and freedom.
HDI- 0.854
6 of 10
What is a socialist government ?
welfare state funded by tax payers, high spending on social justice, health and education
7 of 10
What is a capitalist government?
Committed to economic development with spending focussed on industry and business infrastructure
8 of 10
What is social progress?
The idea that states develop due to social, economic and political structures.
9 of 10
How can social progress be improved?
Government intervention, NHS, funding in education
Social enterprise-businesses that trade for environmental and social causes
10 of 10

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Card 2


What are the development processes/ stages?


Economic growth
Investment and tech progress
Advances in health and education
Evolution in social and political institutions

Card 3


What is GDP?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is HDI?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is GII? What does it measure?


Preview of the front of card 5
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