Henry VIII and the Annulment

  • Created by: LucyLaa
  • Created on: 25-06-17 19:30
Name 4 factors that prevented Henry's annulment
Leviticus Argument was flawed; Foreign Affairs; Argonese Faction; Legal (Julius II original dispensation)
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Who was Henry first married to?
Catherine of Aragon
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Why did Henry want an annulment?
Conscience, Dynasty, Manipulation by Anne Boleyn
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What was the Leviticus Argument and why was it flawed?
"And if a man shall take his brother's wife, it is an unclean thing... they shall be childless." but was contradicted by Deuteronomy
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What was the diplomatic situation at the time?
The Pope was being held hostage by Charles V (CoA's nephew) and so Cardinal Campeggio was told not to dispense a decision
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Who were Catherine of Aragon's key supporters?
Bishop Fisher, Thomas More, Charles V
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What was Wolsey accused of after the court hearing?
Praemunire - reporting to the Pope, instead of the King
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In 1530, what did 'Collectanea Satis Copiosa' do?
Made Henry the head of the Church of England
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Who ruled the marriage to CoA invalid?
Archbishop Cranmer (Protestant)
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When was the marriage to CoA ruled invalid?
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What was the main reason behind the prevention of the Annulment?
Mainly the diplomatic situation, which was caused by the Argonese faction. Henry's unwillingness to change his Leviticus argument was also a factor
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Did Wolsey and Henry underestimate the difficulties they faced?
Yes - Henry thought it would be straightforward and Wolsey assumed his influence would facilitate it. Henry tried to buy treaties, but this only brought more attention and made it harder.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who was Henry first married to?


Catherine of Aragon

Card 3


Why did Henry want an annulment?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the Leviticus Argument and why was it flawed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the diplomatic situation at the time?


Preview of the front of card 5
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