european reformation religious change

  • Created by: dan
  • Created on: 13-05-13 16:37
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  • European reformation and religious change
    • henry viii was able to use this movement to encourage religious change in england
      • used for his own gain- the change would allow henry to be head of church and annul his own marriage
    • without the influence of the crown, it is unlikely that the reformation would have been a major factor in religious change
      • most english laity are seen to have little interest in the doctrine of the country, and are easily swayed by the monarch
      • henry saw the reformation as an opportunity with the goal of being head of the church, and so promoted the change
    • methods such as the dissolution of the monasteries in germany could be used as a template for henry viii
      • the methods were similar, although the reasons for henry were mainly financial and not religious
    • doctrine introduced showed similarities to doctrine passed in newly reformed germany
      • this is probably because an alliance was attempted by henry
    • the reformation had limited support
      • most support seen in the south east of england


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