health promotion 2

1) Based on medical evidence and research so are convincing. 2) Cost effective for the government as disease is prevented. 3) Has a history of success eg.vaccination programme
1 of 10
1) Fear among public (rumours etc.) may discourage people eg. anti vaccination. 2) People may be embarrassed about going for screening. 3) Often targets specific groups eg. cervical screening to over 25'
2 of 10
1) Makes it easier to challenge damaging behaviour eg. smoking ban gives individuals ability to challenge/remove individual. 2) It reaches large audience due to changes possibly becoming law. 3) Acknowledges the impact of socio-economic determinants
3 of 10
1) People dislike the idea of a nanny state telling them what to do. 2) Expensive, large scale approach (campaigning, law enforcement, council support). 3) Unhappy with the change (can't drink in public, can't smoke indoors) may disobey.
4 of 10
1) Helps individual understand why they should make the change rather than telling them to do it. 2) Educational talks can be delivered to large audiences eg. workplaces, schools. 3) Leaflets etc. can encourage independent research and even more info
5 of 10
1) Detailed information eg. statistics may be difficult for some to understand. 2) Information may not be retained (people may listen but not think about it again). 3) People may not like being talked to or advised (don't engage)
6 of 10
1) Grabs attention of target audience (will notice/remember shocking images etc.). 2) Help people to fully understand what will happen rather than just explaining. 3) Often encourages discussion and brings attention to the issue
7 of 10
1) People tend to think it will not happen to them (too unrealistic images etc.). 2) May cause annoyance or upset for individuals eg. death of family member (condition portrayed badly). 3) Can be expensive to make and run
8 of 10
1) Gives straightforward information on how they can take action. 2) Short messages can be catchy and memorable (info maintained, change made). 3) Encourages people to feel they are taking responsibility if guidelines are followed
9 of 10
1) Behaviour is not easy to change (difficult to break). 2) People are susceptible to other influences (peer pressure, media). 3) People may dislike being told what to do (don't respond to message)
10 of 10

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Card 2


1) Fear among public (rumours etc.) may discourage people eg. anti vaccination. 2) People may be embarrassed about going for screening. 3) Often targets specific groups eg. cervical screening to over 25'



Card 3


1) Makes it easier to challenge damaging behaviour eg. smoking ban gives individuals ability to challenge/remove individual. 2) It reaches large audience due to changes possibly becoming law. 3) Acknowledges the impact of socio-economic determinants


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Card 4


1) People dislike the idea of a nanny state telling them what to do. 2) Expensive, large scale approach (campaigning, law enforcement, council support). 3) Unhappy with the change (can't drink in public, can't smoke indoors) may disobey.


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Card 5


1) Helps individual understand why they should make the change rather than telling them to do it. 2) Educational talks can be delivered to large audiences eg. workplaces, schools. 3) Leaflets etc. can encourage independent research and even more info


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