Societal Change Approach to Health Promotion


Societal Change Approach to Health Promotion


  • Radical approach which aims to change society not individual behaviour.
  • Aims to bring changes in the physical, economic and social environment.
  • Healthy choice to become the easier choice in terms of cost, availability and accessibility.
  • Targeted towards groups and populations.
  • Involves introducing or changing laws which means that people may be deterred to break these laws based upon the fact that punishment can be brought against them.
  • People may take policies more seriously when the necessity to do so becomes legalised.
  • Changes to laws are well publicised and reported on so they are difficult to ignore.
  • If something is illegal, then it is often morally wrong, deterring people anyway.


  • It may require major structural changes/
  • Vulnerable to official disapproval's.
  • Requires political support from the highest level, e.g. through legislation's.
  • Needs support of the public.
  • People may get adrenaline from breaking laws, acting as motivation.
  • Laws are frequently broken. e.g. underage drinking.
  • Some people may argue that laws are too harsh.
  • Can take a long period of tine for laws to take full effect.
  • When something is made illegal, e.g. certain drugs, it just pushed them to 'the back streets' rather than preventing them.
  • Laws may cause people to group together in protest.


An outcome evaluation would state that changes in laws or regulations, e.g. smoking bans, food labeling, applying taxes or subsidising certain types of foods result in the improvement in the profile of health issues on common agendas. This form of health promotion approach may be difficult to prove the link with health promotion interventions as change is usually a lengthy process.




Good information about health.


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