Other questions in this quiz

2. Germination definition

  • development of new plant from embryo to seed
  • growth of plant from embryo to fruit
  • death of plant and leaves fall off

3. What is the purpose of warmth is germination

  • needed enzymes to work effectively digest glucose
  • needed respiration
  • needed excretion
  • needed homeostatis

4. which of these is not the reason seeds have a food store

  • lots of food underground , need seed to keep in secure place
  • less light so less food store glucose , more food stored glycogen
  • risk of water dissolving food , store food as starch , insoluble
  • less photosynthesis in ground , need store all food as strach

5. Why does water activate enzymes

  • to hydrate plant
  • dissolve starch
  • digest food reserves making them available
  • needed for reproduction


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