what does GMAPCARS stand for
genre, mode, audience, purpose, context, representation, subject
1 of 10
what is meant by representation
what is being represented in the text? why is it being represented? how does the language create the message?
2 of 10
what are the 3 ways representations can be produced
the producer (writer/speaker), the place of publication (newspaper), the topic
3 of 10
how would you structure your answers Q2
representation (people, products, places, ideas), levels, GMAPCARS (how language use links to contextual factors)
4 of 10
how would you structure the answer to Q3
point of comparison (how are the texts different/similar), evidence, explore (why are the texts difference/similarities)
5 of 10
what is meant by genre
what type of text is it?
6 of 10
what is meant by register
how formal/informal is the text, why has the writer chosen that formality
7 of 10
general/specific, formality, tone, age, gender, preferences, is the text for the active or passive reader
8 of 10
what is text about, what impact has the text had on linguistic choices
9 of 10
inform, persuade, instruct, entertain, could have a dual purpose, what does the text want to achieve
10 of 10

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Card 2


what is meant by representation


what is being represented in the text? why is it being represented? how does the language create the message?

Card 3


what are the 3 ways representations can be produced


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Card 4


how would you structure your answers Q2


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Card 5


how would you structure the answer to Q3


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