Germany occupation & division

From The end of the war in 1945 to the Division of Germany in 1949.

  • Created by: Rhiannon
  • Created on: 04-06-12 12:02

1. What did the Allies disagree on most at the Potsdam Conference?

  • The Nuremberg Trials
  • Reparations
  • Demilitarisation
1 of 5

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2. What was not a problem with implementng denazification in the Western zones?

  • Inconsistent and indiscriminate approaches caused resentment
  • There was a large backlog of administration and it became unworkable
  • It was used to remove those who were politically unreliable
  • Hard to distinguish between real Nazis and those who joined becaue they needed to

3. Why was the KPD unpopular in the Eastern zone?

  • It had close links to the USSR
  • The SPD was greatly unpopular
  • The KPD intimdated the SPD into a merger

4. What is not a reason for the division on Germany?

  • Currency reform
  • introduction of a communist style gavernment in the soviet zone
  • The German people
  • Berlin airlift

5. What was the Basic Law?

  • The new currency in the Western zones
  • The West German constitution
  • a plan aimed to prevent the spred oc communism


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