Cold War Mind Map

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  • Cold War
    • Cominform/Comecon
      • On 5 July 1947 the USSR allowed satellite states to attend the conference, but by 7 July told them they could not go. Jan Masaryk and Klement Gottwald went to Moscow and were refused Marshall Aid. Andrei Vishinski issued the two camps doctrine.
      • At the Comintern meeting in Poland, September, French and Italian Communists were criticised with Yugoslavs wanting a more left-wing line, and AA Zhdanov, ideology chief, stated that the world was divided into two camps.
        • This accelerated communism with collectivisation of agriculture, secret police, dissolution of left wing parties, and centralised planning.
          • The USA didn't want to offer Marshall Aid to the USSR and satellite state countries so demanded to see financial records. By March 1948 the plan was signed after the Czechoslovakia coup.
      • The Council for Mutual Assistance was set in 1949. It was supposed to allow the USSR to financially support the economies of Soviet countries, but was used to control their economics, give access to resources, and create specialised blocs, (Heavy industry - East Germany and Czechoslovakia, food and raw materials - Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria).
    • Berlin Blockade
      • November 1947 London Conference - Ernest Bevin sets up German People's Congress for Unity and a Just Peace and Ernest Bevin opposes unified Germany, talks stop 15 December. Feb-June talks show France wants Occupation Statute and International Ruhr Authority. 7 June - West German constitution, 20 June - new currency, East Germans make Ostmark.
        • On 24 June the blockade commenced and Ernest Bevin suggested airlifts to Tempelhof and Gaton in West Berlin, and B29 bombers were sent to East Anglia. On August 2nd Stalin held talks refusing to end the blockade unless the Ostmark was gained in West Germany and it became unified.
          • In January the council of foreign ministers met in New York and it was decided that there would be more discussion on Germany’s future and currency. By February the Deutschmark was the only legal currency, and in April 8000 tons, on average, were transported daily. By May 12th, the blockade ended as a tiny percentage of West Germans had immigrated to the East and they still showed prosperity.
            • March 1948 - The SED sets up the German People's Councilto draft legislation and all representativesare of the SED. On 18 Oct the new government is made with Soviet ControlCommissions.
              • April 1949 FDR set up headedby Konrad Adenauer and Sovietsdetonate first atom bomb on August 29.
    • Warsaw Pact/NATO
      • The US wantedto establish the US of Europe to enhance trade and deter Communists.
        • France saw Western political/economic integration as a way to harnessresources of the FRG.
          • Britain wantedto improve relations with the US and Common Wealth and align FRG with NATO and Western Europe.
            • In May 1950 Robert Schuman, French foreign minister, suggested a Schuman Plan  to exploit the FRG's coal, but Britain had just nationalised its mines and opposed the European Coal and Steel Community.
              • In 1949 the Councilfor Mutual Economic Assistance was established and by 1954 a secretariat was set up. It founded with Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria. It would establish Five Year Plans.
                • NATO formed as Russia had 250 divisions in EasternEurope while the US had 12.
                  • 1947 - Britain and France sign Treaty of Dunkirkfor mutual defence, and in 1948 March signed with Benelux States the Brussels Defence Treaty with a HQ near Paris and Montgomery, field marshall, head of military planning.
                    • NATO established the idea an attack on one was an attack on all, and all defence forces had to be under joint command. In 1949 12 states joined followed by Greece and Turkey in 1952 and West Germany by 1955.
                      • Due to the 1950-53 Korean War, Supreme Headquarters Allied PowersEurope was set up and five divisions of the US army would be set in Germany. CENTOand SEATO formed.
                        • France temporarily withdrew from NATO in 1966 when Gaulle opposed to troops and weapons under foreign control.In 1979  NATO decided to set 500 Pershing and Cruise missiles in Europe in response to the USSR'sexpansion of weapons.
                          • NATO weaknesses: self interest; US had 75% of troops and money and supplied supreme leader; US claimedNATO was give and no take; USSR had more conventional weapons; had to rely on nucleardeterrence.
                            • Strengths: smaller alliancewith military strength; US realisedit couldn't be isolationist as it was in the 20s and 30s; 55 years of peace in Western Europe.


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