Genre Theory

Who is Steve Neale?
a film theorist
1 of 10
Steve Neale states that genres all contain instances of what?
repetition and difference
2 of 10
Why must a film must subvert conventions for audiences?
Audiences will get bored seeing the same thing and not watch the film.
3 of 10
Why is genre repetition important to filmmakers?
To the film’s production team (producer, director etc) genre provides a template
4 of 10
What is a hybrid genre?
When two genres combine like the film Aliens v Cowboys
5 of 10
What is a sub genre?
A genre within a genre, vampire films are a genre within horror
6 of 10
How does Black Panther (2018) subverts genre conventions?
By having a male African American as the lead character.
7 of 10
How does Wonder Woman (2017) subverts genre conventions?
By having a female superhero as the lead character.
8 of 10
How does Black Panther (2018) subverts genre conventions?
By having an Utopia African Country
9 of 10
How did Arrow and Supergirl challenge genre conventions?
By the having the first gay and transgender superheros.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Steve Neale states that genres all contain instances of what?


repetition and difference

Card 3


Why must a film must subvert conventions for audiences?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is genre repetition important to filmmakers?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a hybrid genre?


Preview of the front of card 5
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