genetic disorders

what is the cause of huntingtons disease?
a dominant genetic condition which damages nerve cells in the brain
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what are the symtoms of huntingtons disease?
affects movement, cognition, balance, awareness, judgement and mood.
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what is the treatment of huntingtons disease?
there is no cure, although medication is used to relieve some of the symptoms.
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what is the cause for down's syndrome?
an extra chromosome
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what features does someone with down's syndrome normally have?
short stature, a flat round face, a large tongue, a learning disability
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cause of phenyketonuria?
a recessive genetic condition that is present from birth
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symptoms of phenylketonuria
body is unable to break down the amino acid phenylalanine, which builds up to cause brain damage, leading to epilepsy
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treatment for phenylketonuria
the condition is treated with a low protein diet and amino acid supplements.
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cause of sickle cell disease
a partially dominant inherited blood disorder caused by gene mutation.
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treatment for sickle cell
centres on the prevention of crisis episodes and pain relief
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cause of cystic fibrosis
a recessive genetic condition resulting from a mutation in the gene CFTR. it two affected genes are inherited, the lungs and digestive systembecome clogged with thick, sticky mucous.
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symptoms of cystic fibrosis
persistant cough, respiratory infections, poor appetite and weight loss
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treatment of cystic fibrosis
phsiotherapy, antibiotics and bronchodilators are used to alleviate symptoms
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Card 2


what are the symtoms of huntingtons disease?


affects movement, cognition, balance, awareness, judgement and mood.

Card 3


what is the treatment of huntingtons disease?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the cause for down's syndrome?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what features does someone with down's syndrome normally have?


Preview of the front of card 5
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