Other questions in this quiz

2. What does the term 'Khalifah' mean?

  • Pious women
  • Jinns
  • Custodian or steward of the world for Allah
  • The righteous leaders
  • Non-Muslims
  • Protectors of Paradise
  • Ghosts

3. What is the name of the angels who question the dead in their graves?

  • Jibra`il & Mikaeel
  • Muhammad and Isa/Esa
  • Munkar & Nakir
  • Kirameen & Kaatibeen

4. How does the 'life cycle' of a Muslim go?

  • Judgement~Barzakh~Resurrection~Death= (Heaven or Hell)
  • Death~Judgement~Pardadise~Life on Earth= (Heaven or Hell)
  • Life on Earth~Death~Barzakh~Judgement= (Heaven or Hell)
  • Barzakh~Jahannum~Akhirah~Death= (Heaven or Hell)
  • Hell~Life on Earth~Barzakh~Judgement= (Heaven or Hell)

5. Which of these is ONE of the seven beliefs that Muslims believe.

  • Belief in Idols
  • Belief in Easter
  • Belief in 5 prayers
  • Belief in Halal food
  • Belief in life after death
  • Belief in Christmas
  • Belief in Ramadan





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