Other questions in this quiz

2. What does AL-Qadr mean?

  • Allah`s control of future events
  • the idea that human beings,have the right to make their own choices
  • Allah is all-powerful
  • Allah has knowledge of what happened in the past

3. Do Muslims believe that Allah and his companions created the universe?

  • No
  • Yes
  • I don't know

4. Why is the revelation of the Quran to Muhammad so important for Muslims?

  • It proves that the Quran is the exact speech of Allah, and he became the final prophet beacause he received this message
  • Because the was the first ever prophet in Islam
  • It shows he was considered very holy
  • Because Islam was founded due to this
  • Because it wards off eveil

5. How does the 'life cycle' of a Muslim go?

  • Barzakh~Jahannum~Akhirah~Death= (Heaven or Hell)
  • Life on Earth~Death~Barzakh~Judgement= (Heaven or Hell)
  • Hell~Life on Earth~Barzakh~Judgement= (Heaven or Hell)
  • Death~Judgement~Pardadise~Life on Earth= (Heaven or Hell)
  • Judgement~Barzakh~Resurrection~Death= (Heaven or Hell)





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