30 marker advanced info - Theories behind crime

  • Created by: ssaidi23
  • Created on: 01-04-22 18:14
Who spoke about boundary maintenance/social cohesion and what is it?
Boundary maintenance is where crime reinforces what is acceptable in society. Social cohesion is where serious crimes can lead to society coming together
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Contemporary example of boundary maintenance
Riots in 2011 caused looting and promoted formal social control from the police.
Society was okay with the use of water cannons to prevent further anomie (abnormal behaviour)
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Who spoke about adaptation and change and what is it?
Social deviance is necessary to allow society to move forward and progress. Without crime and deviant behaviour, society will become stagnant and die.
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Contemporary example of adaptation and change
Edward Coulston statue in Bristol - pulled down to support Black Lives Matter. Moving society forward to change/improve policies
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Who spoke about the strain theory and what is it
He believed crime is a reaction for those who cannot meet the goal. It is a response to the strain that has been placed on society to achieve the goals and values of society.
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What are the 5 types of strain that Merton talks about
Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Rebellion, Retreatism
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Contemporary example of American dream/strain theory
Western societies and cultures have become obsessed with consumerism, monetary success, celebrities and materialism. Could link to relative deprivation.
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What does Cohen say
Young people get frustrated by their inability to achieve social goals to achieve status, so turn to crime instead to achieve status.
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What is ' alternative status hierarchy ' theory
Meaning they create their own norms and values which gives status to criminal and deviant activity.
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What does Cloward and Ohlin say about opportunities to commit crime based on WC boys
3 types of deviant subcultures - Criminal, Conflict and Retreatist

Conflict develops in areas where young people have little opportunity for access to illegitimate structures so
they turn to gang violence to release anger that they feel
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Who says crime is a rational response and who commits and why?
Committed more by the poor, homeless and unemployed - rational response to these inequalities created by capitalism system
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Contemporary example of rational response
USA welfare system is inadequate - crime may be necessary for survival sometimes
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Who said laws are made by the elite to support their interests
Serious crime is identified as crimes like violence and property crime rather than harm committed by corporations
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What did Pearce say
crimes of the powerful are ignored
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What are some examples of white collar crime that is ignored
Fraud, tax evasion, breaches of health and safety regulations, corporate manslaughter.
Such crimes are rarely prosecuted, even if they are discovered.
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Contemporary example of white collar crime is ignored
Bhopal Disaster in India
Gas leak incident in 1984
It is considered to be the world's worst industrial disaster.
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What did Cicourel talk about
Negotiation of justice
'justice is not fixed it is negotiable'
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Individuals are arrested and stop and searched based on what ideas
- Working class
- Male
- Young
- Ethnic minority
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How would middle class parents negotiate
By convincing the police they would monitor them and keep them out of trouble.
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What did Lemert say
Spoke about primary and secondary deviance
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What is primary deviance and example of it
- Insignificant acts which have not publicly labelled
- eg breaking the speed limit
- The person who has committed primary deviant act does not acknowledge themselves as deviant
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What is secondary deviance and example of it
- is the result off society's reaction of labelling
- being caught/publicly labelled as criminal leads to stigmatisation
- the criminal label becomes the master status
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What is the negative outcome of secondary deviance
the label may result in the individual not be able to get jobs due to criminal record and overall discriminations.
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What does Cohen talk about
Folk devils and moral panics
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Explain what folk devils is
Folk devil is a person or group of people who are portrayed in the media as outsiders and deviant, and who are blamed for crimes or other sorts of social problems
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Explain moral panic
The pursuit of folk devils frequently intensifies into a mass movement that is called a moral panic.
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Who were seen as folk devils
Mods and rockers
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What are the mods and rockers
- Groups of youths at the seaside of Brighton and Clacton
- The media exaggerated the fights
- Distorted the behaviour which lead to a moral panic
- Police arrested more and more
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What did the previous points result in
Increasing the spiral of deviance amplification
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When were realist theories made
1970s and 1980s
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What do realist theories believe
That crime is a real problem and doesn't promote social cohesion.
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What do realists say there is a significant rise in
the number of crimes being committed such as street crimes, burglary and assault
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Who is the main theorist for right realism
James Wilson
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What is the key concept for right realists
Zero tolerance
Meaning, harsh punishments will be enforced even if it is a petty crime
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Who do right realists share the same ideas with
New right
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Who are right realists concerned about and why
- People on benefits
- Welfare dependency means more crime and lone parent families
- Right realists favour the nuclear family
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Why do right realists reject the marxist idea
They don't believe that economic and structural factors such as poverty and inequality are the root cause of crime
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What do right realists say the 3 causes of crime are
Biological differences, inadequate socialisation, rational choice theory
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What could be the biological differences (biosocial theory)
personality disorders and mental illnesses/disabilities as biologically-determined personality traits
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What does Charles Murray say about inadequate socialisation
- Welfare dependency has led to a growth of single parents (mainly female) where men are no longer responsible.
- Results in the children committing crime due to lacking a role model.
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What does Murray mean by 'growing underclass'
- Increasing number of people allowed to rely on state, argued this caused underclass to grow.
- Crime rates are increasing due to growing underclass
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Who talks about the rational choice theory
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What is the rational choice theory
- Assumption that people have free will and power of reason/
- Argued that deciding to commit crime is a choice that requires calculating the consequences
- Weighing up the benefits of committing the crime and costs if caught (punishment)
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What are 3 crime prevention policies
Target hardening, punishments and CCTV (increases the cost/chance of getting caught)
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What is the aim of crime prevention policies
to reduce the rewards and increase the costs of crime to the offender
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What does Wilson and Kelling argue (right realist)
Argues that maintaining an orderly character of neighbourhood can prevent crime taking hold
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Explain the broken window thesis by Wilson and Kelling
- If graffiti, vandalism and dog poo is left
- shows no formal social control and no informal social control
- then leads to more graffiti, vandalism and dog poo
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What is the impact of this
May lead law abiding community members to move away.
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Who is the main theorist for left realism
Jock Young
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What is the key concept for left realists
to create practical solutions
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More people are becoming victims of crime, particularly who..
the working class
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What are the 3 explanations of crime from a left realist (Lea and Young)
- Relative deprivation
- Subcultures
- Marginalisation
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What are the 5 solutions to crime from a left realist perspective
- Community policing
- Community service
- Community centres
- Democratic policing
- Ethnic minority police officers
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What do left realists see rioting as a form of
Form of political protest by the marginalised
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Riots in 2011 caused looting and promoted formal social control from the police.
Society was okay with the use of water cannons to prevent further anomie (abnormal behaviour)


Contemporary example of boundary maintenance

Card 3


Social deviance is necessary to allow society to move forward and progress. Without crime and deviant behaviour, society will become stagnant and die.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Edward Coulston statue in Bristol - pulled down to support Black Lives Matter. Moving society forward to change/improve policies


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


He believed crime is a reaction for those who cannot meet the goal. It is a response to the strain that has been placed on society to achieve the goals and values of society.


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