Frustration Aggression Hypothesis

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 13-10-22 10:28
who created the FAH?
Dollard et al,
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what is the FAH based off?
the psychodynamic approach of catharsis (released of build up frustrations)
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what did freud believe?
that the drive for aggression was innate
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What did dollars propose in regards to frustration?
we experience frustration, which leads to agg and then releases a cathartic response
this can start by goal prevention which can be due to external reasons ie money, power, unavailability, but since we cant release it at the-
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continuing w previous card
-source of agg, we have diff. reactions....
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what did freud suggests about these reactions and what is the term referred to as?
defence mechanisms
1. sublimation- using acceptable activities ie sports
2. displacement-directing agg at something/someone else
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who proposed a revised FAH and what did they suggest?
Berkowitz argued frustration doesn't always lead to agg, the agg could change in the presence of a certain cue of presence of weapons
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label and remember the table
frustration eg blocking of a goal→increased arousal eg a goal→ result 1. presence of agg cues ie weapons→ greater chance of being agg OR result 2. no agg cues→ less chance of being agg
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name the evaluations
+green, lab exp, undergraduates to do jigsaw, 3 conditions, 1. undoable time limit, 2.impossible to complete jigsaw, 3.confederates gave insults to pp who failed to do jigsaw, second part of study like milligrams and had to give shocks and group 3-
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counting w previous card
-gave the highest level of shocks. all 3 groups gave more shocks than a control group who hand experience any frustration
+Berkowitz, lab exp, pp could shock confederates who previously enraged them in 3 conditions-
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continuing w previous card
1. agg cue (a gun), 2.non agg cue (Badminton racket) and 3. no cue at all. found pp in agg cue gave higher level of shocks than other groups (+shed light on gun control and weapon effect in America) -
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continuing w previous card
-research in this area is conducted in lab exp and shows issues of ecological validity, which is hard to apply outside of research setting
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Card 2


what is the FAH based off?


the psychodynamic approach of catharsis (released of build up frustrations)

Card 3


what did freud believe?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did dollars propose in regards to frustration?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


continuing w previous card


Preview of the front of card 5
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