Frustration aggression hypothesis


Social psychological explanations - any theory that argues aggression is the result of an interaction between an individual's characteristics and features of the situations in which behaviour occurs.

Frustration-aggression hypothesis (Dollard) - Anger, hostility and violence are always the outcome when we are prevented from achieving our goals. 

  • Based on the psychodynamic concept of catharsis. 
  • Our attempt to achieve a goal is blocked by some external factor, which results in frustration. This creates an aggression drive, which leads to aggressive behaviour. This reduces the drive, making further aggression less likely. 
  • Proximity to the goal - closer to the goal = greater likelihood of aggression.
  • Behaviour can also be displaced onto something/ someone else.
  • Cause of frustration may be abstract.
  • Risk of punishment - less likely to be aggressive.
  • Cause unavailable…


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