Fossil evidence for Evolution

  • Created by: chanuli
  • Created on: 01-05-17 15:37
what are the characteristics that "ardi" had
founded 4.4 million years ago, the structure of her feet show that she climbed trees as she had large ape like toes that enabled her to grab branches and climb trees
1 of 10
what are the characteristics that lucy had?
she was founded 3.2 million years ago, she had arms and legs roughly the same length as that of an ape or a human. She also had arched feet which shows she was more suited to walking than climbing and her leg structure shows that she walked upright.
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what are the different generations of the Homo species??
Homo Habilis, Homo erectus, Homo Neanderthalis, Homo Sapiens
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Name the characteristics of the tools the Homo habillis:
The Homo Habilis species used "pebble" tools which were made by hitting two rocks together to create sharp flakes, they were used to scrape meat from bones
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Name the characteristics of the tools the Homo erectus would make
Homo Erectus would use tools that they had sculpted to make hand axes and would use this to hunt as well as scrape meat off of bones
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Name the characteristics of the tools that the Homo neanderthalis would use:
More complex tools such as flint tools, pointed tools and wooden spears
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Name the characteristics of the tools that the Homo sapiens would use
Homo sapiens made flint tools more common and would also used pointed tools that look like arrow heads more. they invented the fish hooks and they also started to use buttons and needles.
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name 1 ways you can find out how old a tool is
if the tool is simpler, it is used by older species such as homo habillis if they are more complex then they are likely to have been used by homo neanderthalis or homo sapiens.
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name another way:
Another way you can determine how old a tool is is by using stratigraphy which is when you look at how many layers there are on a stone, if there are more layers on the stone then it is older as it has had more time to accumulate more layers
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name the third way you can determine how old the tool is:
Stone is often found with carbon- containing material. Eg. a wooden handle. Carbon-14 dating can be used to date this material.
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Card 2


what are the characteristics that lucy had?


she was founded 3.2 million years ago, she had arms and legs roughly the same length as that of an ape or a human. She also had arched feet which shows she was more suited to walking than climbing and her leg structure shows that she walked upright.

Card 3


what are the different generations of the Homo species??


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Card 4


Name the characteristics of the tools the Homo habillis:


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Card 5


Name the characteristics of the tools the Homo erectus would make


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