food and diet

  • Created by: EClou
  • Created on: 23-04-15 22:11
define a balanced diet
this is a diet containing all of the nutrients required for health in all of the appropriate proportions.
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give 3 things that good nutrients will do
1. it will strengthen your immune system, 2. it will cause you to learn more effectively, 3. it will make you stronger
2 of 17
what are the seven components of a balanced diet and what o they do?
1. carbohydrates - energy store, 2. proteins - growth & repair, 3. fats - energy source/cell membranes/waterproofing, 4. vitamins - chem. cell processes, 5. minerals - essential to normal functions, 6. water - transport/60% of bod, 7. fibre - dig. sy
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what is the cause of malnutrition?
an unbalanced diet
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what is obesity?
when a person had a BMI over 30 of being 20% over the recommended weight for your height
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with obesity is excess fat the issue?
no however the position of the fat can place you more at risk - if it is round the middle
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why is it important to ensure that the level of energy consumed is consistent with the body's needs?
if too little energy is consumed the person will lose weight, if too much energy is consumed the person will gain weight, if they consume sufficient energy then they will have enough energy for their activities
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what is obesity currently though to increase the risk of? give 3 things
1. cancer, 2. cardiovascular disease, 3. type 2 diabetes
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what's atherosclerosis?
the process deposition of fatty substances on your artery walls forming an atheroma which may lead to the hardening of the arteries and his is atherosclerosis
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give three components of the diet that have been shown to help reduce the risk of CHD
1. oily fish, 2. moderate alcohol consumption, 3. dietary fibre
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what can excess salt in the diet cause?
this lowers the water potential of the blood leading to more water being taken up in the blood, this can cause hypertension which in turn can cause weakening of the inner artery linings and which could then lead to atherosclerosis
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which type of fat is beneficial to health an which isn't and where are they found?
saturated fats are found in animals and can raise the cholesterol level in the blood leading to fatty deposits in he arteries, unsaturated fats are found in plants and these are beneficial to health
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where is cholesterol found and what is it?
it is a lipid that can be found in saturated fats and is also manufactured in the liver from sat fats
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describe the consequences of excess cholesterol
it is harmful
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what is a High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)?
these are mainly protein with a bit of unsat fats and cholesterol, they transport cholesterol from the body tissues to the liver where they bind to receptor sites in the membrane
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how are they believed to aid health?
as they remove fatty deposits from the artery walls, high levels of HDLs is thought reduce blood cholesterol levels and therefore is beneficial to health
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what are Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL)?
these are mainly sat fats with a bit of protein and cholesterol and these transport the cholesterol from the liver to the tissues which have receptor
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


give 3 things that good nutrients will do


1. it will strengthen your immune system, 2. it will cause you to learn more effectively, 3. it will make you stronger

Card 3


what are the seven components of a balanced diet and what o they do?


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Card 4


what is the cause of malnutrition?


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Card 5


what is obesity?


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