
  • Created by: jessica
  • Created on: 22-05-13 13:19
Why does agard use repetition of the word flag?
It emphasise its just a flag and how its used and exploited, it also challanges the power and value of the flag
1 of 15
Each stanza starts with a question, followed by an answer. In the first four stanza this is repeated in the same way. why is this?
making the reader think again and again about what the piece of cloth is and what influence it has
2 of 15
What other poem does Flag relate to with perceptions and challenging assumptions?
The right word
3 of 15
What other poem does Flag relate to with causes of conflict?
At the Border, 1979
4 of 15
What other poem does Flag relate to with concepts of patriotism?
next to of course god america and i
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Look at the connotations of the verbs that describe the flag in the questions (fluttering) What do these qualities suggest?
these contrast with the final verse in the stanza, suggesting that the flag is some what positive when it actually 'brings a nation to its knees'
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How can 'bring a nation to its knees' be interpreted in different ways?
It can show patriotism of the country in a good way but it could also suggest a form of slavery to the country forced to obey the flag.
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Why does agard choose to close the poem with the word 'end'?
To show that unless we change our ways we will die
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Why does the final stanza end on a rhyming couplet?
This shows how the argument of the poem has been developing and building towards a conclusion it could also suggest death is smooth
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why is there repetition of 'Its just a piece of cloth'?
Its as if the poet is trying to deny the symbol of its power
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The poem is built around clashing ideas and images. How does Agard do this?
The soft sounds of the fag (fluttering) are drowned out by the sharp, short, hard sounds that are emphasised by the use of alliteration (nation/knees)
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Agard contrasts positive, poetic language with harsh heavy words. Why does agard do this and give an example.
'breeze' is always brought down to earth with the very ordinary, dull, repeated 'cloth'
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The poem is about the power of symbolism, why?
To show that although the flag is powerful in symbolism it dangerous and an invention of mankind.
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how does Flag compare to 'At the border,1979'?
They're both about nations, nationalism and imagined communities. Like the question answer structure Agard includes At the Border have contrasting eyes of an adult and child.
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How does Flag compare to Poppies?
They both include the power of symbolism and the ideas people give to objects.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Each stanza starts with a question, followed by an answer. In the first four stanza this is repeated in the same way. why is this?


making the reader think again and again about what the piece of cloth is and what influence it has

Card 3


What other poem does Flag relate to with perceptions and challenging assumptions?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What other poem does Flag relate to with causes of conflict?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What other poem does Flag relate to with concepts of patriotism?


Preview of the front of card 5
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