Film studies: Key elements of film form

  • Created by: PGiffney
  • Created on: 29-03-22 11:43
What term is used to describe 'the art and technology of motion-picture photography'?
1 of 13
What does diegetic sound mean?
Sound that is part of the scene
2 of 13
When would low-key lighting NOT be used?
To create a natural sense of light
3 of 13
What type of editing would be used to go immediately from one scene to another?
4 of 13
What is the editing term used to describe how one scene moves to another?
5 of 13
What sound effect is added on to a scene to emphasise a sound?
6 of 13
High-key lighting is used in more modern films to suggest what?
An upbeat mood
7 of 13
Relating to film, what does the term 'genre' mean?
A style or category of film that has specific conventions
8 of 13
What is a 'dolly' shot?
Any shot which moves towards, away from, or alongside the subject
9 of 13
What is the main purpose of costume?
They create a sense of character
10 of 13
Why is editing important?
It creates a specific narrative for an audience
11 of 13
When was the first commercially produced film in natural colour made and what was it called?
1908 - A Visit to the Seaside
12 of 13
The first feature film originally presented as a talkie (even though it only had some sound sequences) was The Jazz Singer, which premiered in which year?
13 of 13

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Card 2


What does diegetic sound mean?


Sound that is part of the scene

Card 3


When would low-key lighting NOT be used?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What type of editing would be used to go immediately from one scene to another?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the editing term used to describe how one scene moves to another?


Preview of the front of card 5
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